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Categoria: Planes

Review: H-King P-51D Moonbeam McSwine

Before we dive into my review of HobbyKing's new Moonbeam McSwine - I thought I'd share a bit of the history behind the model and where it originated.

Moonbeam’s history dates back to October of 1944, when it was manufactured in Inglewood, CA.

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Postado em: Jan 7, 2019 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes

Learning To Fly: Part Three


The aim of these articles is to help those of you who don't have access to a handy R/C pilot.

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Postado em: Dec 13, 2018 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes |Etiquetas: Beginner

Amazing RC ANTONOV AN-225 and Buran Spaceplane

Every now and again we see something truly amazing from the RC community.

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Postado em: Nov 28, 2018 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes

How To: Build Scale Models Using Foam

Before I start any scratch build model, I usually draw up a rough plan in CAD or computer-aided design as it helps with making the build a little bit easier.

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Postado em: Nov 26, 2018 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginner, How To, Intermediate

How To Get Your Hands on the Avios C-130!

For the full C-130 Manual, click here: Avios C-130 Manual

In case you missed the news, HobbyKing has announced the release of the highly anticipated Avios C-130.

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Postado em: Nov 15, 2018 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes

Learning To Fly: Part Two

In the last article, we looked at the basics and covered the learning process at a very high level. In the coming articles, I’ll look at some of the tips and tricks to help make sure that the learning experience is as pleasant as possible. In R/C, as with many other things, you never stop learning - it’s one of the fun parts of the hobby.

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Postado em: Nov 12, 2018 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes |Etiquetas: Beginner

Part One: Learning to Fly!


This is the first in a series of articles aimed at those of you looking at all of these wonderful radio controller flying machines and fancy trying the hobby.

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Postado em: Oct 15, 2018 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

More Than Just A Trainer: Bixler 1.1 V2


My first ever ‘proper’ fixed-wing model was a Bixler V2. That was back in early 2014 and it became the ‘plane that helped me to get back into flying a fixed-wing.

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Postado em: Oct 3, 2018 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes

How to Setup Differential Thrust

What is Differential Thrust?

Differential thrust is essentially where each motor on your aircraft can be driven with a different throttle output setting.

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Postado em: Sep 25, 2018 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes |Etiquetas: Beginner, Intermediate

Review: Durafly T-28 Trojan Naval Aviation


The newly released T-28 Naval from Durafly isn’t a new model design, but it does sport a lively new US Navy colour scheme.

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Postado em: Sep 19, 2018 | Postado em Featured Articles, Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate
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