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Categoria: Planes

An in Depth Look at the Avios Bushmule

Written by gozerian

I fell in love with this airplane the moment that I pulled it out of the box. It was well packed and sealed to protect it during transport and this is important when you consider just how far a model has to travel to make it half way around the world.

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Postado em: Nov 16, 2017 | Postado em Planes |Etiquetas: Beginner, Intermediate

Michael Wargos Top Ten Flying Tips (Plus 1)

Written by gozerian

The following are the best tips I have compiled from many sources and contributors.

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Postado em: Nov 16, 2017 | Postado em Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

How to Take off or Launch an RC Plane

We’ve all seen the guy who runs like an ageing warrior with a spear at the ready, determined to launch his spear into a close earth orbit. In reality, his sprint falls short and he tosses the glider like he has given up the will to live. Never was there a greater anticlimax!

Hands up who has seen a botched hand launch so sketchy it smashes into the ground full throttle ripping the front end clean off?

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Postado em: Nov 16, 2017 | Postado em Planes |Etiquetas: Beginner, Intermediate

Night Walrus Review

Written by RomanRadtke

Every RC pilot sooner or later will probably have a bunch of different models.

I really love FPV flying and have a few pretty fast FPV wings besides masses of other planes and copters that give me the adrenaline rush that I sometimes need.

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Postado em: Nov 16, 2017 | Postado em Planes |Etiquetas: Beginners

Cleaning a Dirty Glow Engine the EASY Way

Glow engines get covered in a very thick a crusty layer of oil, muck, baked on grime and a lacquer that just won’t budge. We have all tried in vain to remove it, and no matter how hard you scrub you just can’t get it all and it’s way too much work. Not only is a dirty engine unsightly, I personally feel they perform poorly and never quite run right.

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Postado em: Nov 16, 2017 | Postado em Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate
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