HobbyKing Crash Cash Winner: September 2022

Thank you to everyone who participated in September's HobbyKing’s Crash Cash. The multitude of entries we received was tremendously amusing and at the same time, nostalgic. We are sure everyone can relate to this bittersweet experience that is low-key, which makes the hobby that much more ENJOYABLE!

For all of you who didn't win this month, remember to join next month's competition by taking a photo of your dramatic RC downfall and uploading it via the Crash Cash Page. For more details about the competition, please read our Crash Cash Rules here.


Here is the Crash Cash Winner for September 2022:

Dominik Petzold

1) Where are you from and how did you get into the hobby?

"I‘m from Drebach in Eastern Germany. I got into the hobby at 15 years old. Since then I tested everything from jets to bush planes. "

HobbyKing Crash Cash Winner: September 2022

2) What’s the story behind your RC model and the crash?

"The model in the photos is a PZL Wilga. It has a scale from 1:3,5. I flew this plane with a FrSky Gyro. I switched it off because I didn’t calibrate the gyro. On the second flight of the plane, I accidentally switched the gyro on, but it was inverted. So I crashed the plane."

3) What's your favorite RC model and why?

"I have two favorite planes. I have a second Wilga with a radial engine. I love it very much. My second favorite plane is my MiG 21."

4) What is the best part of being an RC pilot and why?

"The best part of being an RC pilot is the landing at the maiden. The adrenaline is high as hell."


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