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Currently on offer: Drones, Multirotors, and Quadcopters that are great for beginners and are on sale - everything under US$50.00! Find the perfect mini drone and get started with RC, FPV, or aerial photography.

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Postado em: Feb 2, 2021 | Postado em Notícias, Drones, Noticias gerais, Principiante |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, Drone Sales, Beginner Drones

Thank you to everyone who participated in January's competition. The bar has definitely been raised with an arsenal of photos showcasing the glistening sceneries of winter, to the picture-perfect moments captured by the lake. All the entries were truly captivating, and we applaud everyone who participated.

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If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it right? This may be true in most cases, however, in the RC hobby, being proactive will always cost you less than being reactive. Regular maintenance will ensure a properly working aircraft. Here are four simple check-ups you can do to safeguard yourself and others while you rip through the skies and not into the crowds.  

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Looking for Durafly, Turnigy, or HobbyKing caps, t-shirts, or other merchandise? Then shop our collection of awesome hobby apparel featuring unique designs from our community. Best of all, they’re on sale with free shipping where eligible!

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Postado em: Feb 10, 2021 | Postado em Noticias gerais |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, HobbyKing Apparel, HobbyKing Merchandise

Rosenmontag is here: Get 10%* Off Your Order with coupon code: KARNEVAL21.

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Postado em: Feb 10, 2021 | Postado em Noticias gerais |Etiquetas: Rosenmontag, Rosenmontag 2021, HobbyKing

The new EASA Unmanned Aircraft Regulation has been enacted into law on the 31st of December 2020. But what does that mean for you as a recreational flyer? Here is everything you need to know broken down into bite-sized sections.

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The R/C hobby can be quite confusing especially for beginners. Here is a comprehensive guide to understanding the R/C Lingo. Check back regularly as we will continue to update this R/C glossary.

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The HobbyKing Inventor Portal is our program that connects creators with our product development, engineering, and manufacturing divisions. If you are the creator of a unique product and would like the chance to work with us to bring your product to market, then this is your chance!

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Postado em: Feb 22, 2021 | Postado em Notícias, Noticias gerais |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, HobbyKing Inventor Portal, RC Ideas, RC Designs

[JUST ARRIVED]: The New Avios BushMule V2! Out now with available spare parts!

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Postado em: Feb 23, 2021 | Postado em Noticias gerais, Aviões |Etiquetas: Avios BushMule V2, Avios, product launch, HobbyKing
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