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FrSky Taranis X9D - Mode Swap

The FrSky series of transmitters are amazing! As a low cost transmitter, it’s packed with plenty of functions and features to satisfy a beginner right through to an expert.

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Aviões |Etiquetas: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #8 - Key Concepts

In this article, we cover the basics when it comes to key concepts for building the right multicopter.

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Drones |Etiquetas: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #7 - Other Key Components

When it comes to building a multicopter, there are other components that are important to ensure a successful flight!

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Drones |Etiquetas: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #6 - Key Electronic Components

If you’re building your own multicopter, you have many choices available when it comes to selecting a flight computer.

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Drones |Etiquetas: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #5 -Build Your Own

These days, the market is saturated with a range of Ready to Fly (RTF) solutions.

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Drones |Etiquetas: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #2 - Safety

Flying a remote-controlled aircraft, particularly a multicopter, is a great deal of fun.

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Drones |Etiquetas: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #4 - Tools and Techniques

Regardless of whether you're planning to build a multicopter or buying one off the shelf, you will need most of the tools outlined below.

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Drones |Etiquetas: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #3 - Whats your Objective?

Many hobbyists have been down this path before focusing too much on the multicopter and technology and not enough on the key objective.

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Drones |Etiquetas: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #1 - Introduction

Flying a multicopter is a lot of fun and building one provides a great sense of achievement!

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Drones |Etiquetas: Beginners

Multicopter Basics #9 - Learning To Fly

Written by Thomas

Here are some tips that will help you to get off the ground while minimizing the chances of your model coming home in pieces!

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Postado em: Nov 20, 2017 | Postado em Drones |Etiquetas: Beginners
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