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BMS-A206 MG Digital Mini Servo 3,2 kg / 0.05sec / 22,5 g

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BMS-A206 MG Digital Mini Servo 3,2 kg / 0.05sec / 22,5 g


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BMS-A206 MG Digital Mini Servo 3,2 kg / 0.05sec / 22,5 g

escolha Excelllent para mini-servo da cauda do helicóptero.

Peso: 22,5 g
Dimensões: 23 x 12 x 27.25mm
Tensão de funcionamento: 4.8 ~ 6v
Torque: 2,6 kg / cm @ 4.8V, 3,2 kg / cm @ 6v
Speed ​​(seg / 60 °): 0,06 @ 4.8V, 0,05 @ 6v
Tipo de Motor: Japão Coreless
Caso: Full caso de liga de alumínio
Chumbo / Plug: JR Tipo

Bola de rolamento duplo
Todos os Metal Gears
Digital de 12 Bits resolução (4096 passos)

  • Servo Torque ( kg) ( min. 0,01 kg ) 3.20
  • Servo Speed ​​( Sec / 60deg ) 0.05
  • Servo A ( mm ) 31.00
  • Servo B (mm) 23.00
  • Servo C ( mm ) 27.00
  • Servo D ( mm ) 12.00
  • Servo E ( mm) 33.00
  • Servo F ( mm ) 20.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-11


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Ziggey | Comprador Verificado

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Jun 17, 2013

Use these on my Align 250DFC's and very happy. They're fast and hold rock sold...highly recommend.

Sp1k3 | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

May 10, 2013

Amazing servo.
I'm using it for the roll on a ultra light gimbal, and gimbals require the highest requirements from servos. And this meets them all!!
Its fast, strong, and extremely smooth, centers perfectly.
The only issue I had was that the servo is directly connected to the bottom plate, which gives a ratio of 1:1 angle of camera to angle of servo. Since there is just a very little bit of free movement due to the metal gears, the gimbal was oscillating between the 2 lsbs of the 12 bit adc, causing a wobble in the video. So I had to dampen then movement by adding some soft foam between the movements, and now it works perfect.

Peter | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 20, 2012

Hi there,

ordered this servo because of need for a super heli tail servo. As I noticed this one is the best quality servo I ever held in hands. No sloop, no shivering, stays cold, super fast and absolute precise. Best choice for perfectionists.

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