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EPO 182 aeronaves leves com iluminação LED (ARF)

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EPO 182 aeronaves leves com iluminação LED (ARF)


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111,13 US$
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Esta resistente EPO Mini 182 ARF é embalado com características que irá apelar para ambos o novo e experiente piloto, incluindo abas para ajudar a garantir baixas velocidades de pouso. Outras características que tornam este modelo em escala puro fácil viver com incluem um noseleg dirigível ligada, que é saltado para ajudar com menos de pousos perfeitos e um enorme portal de bateria magnética.
Além de todos os detalhes escala, oleo do trem de aterragem, aterragem & nav luzes e abas da frente, você também pode instalar o conjunto de flutuação opcional para outra dimensão para o seu vôo!
Material: EPO
Envergadura: 928 milímetros
Comprimento: 723 milímetros
Carga Wing: 45,6 g
Voar Peso: 584g
Nav Luzes
Sprung Frente Oleo Leg
5 Channel (elevador, leme, aileron, acelerador, retalhos)
Seu próprio 6 Canal TX / RX
Bateria 1300mAh 3s Lipoly
motora outrunner 1400kv Brushless
9g servo de x 4
* Nota: flutua vendidos separadamente.
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James | Comprador Verificado

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Oct 30, 2015

I have just checked the parts in the box and already I have found screws missing and the glue has leaked out of the tube. The stickers are coming un-stuck. Overall I am disappointed and wish I hadn't purchased this model !

Gustavo | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 06, 2015

This plane is not for beginners, is unstable is not comfortable to fly. I just throw it away. The Cessna is a great plane for beginners but the bigger one 1300 or 1400 mm wing span.

| Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 20, 2013

Great plane once i could get it to take off. I found that spreading the rear landing gear dropped the tail and gave it more stability on the ground which made takeoff so much easier

Craig | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 17, 2013

Poor kit not flown yet but if it does its going to fly in a straight line due to the very small movement from the ailerons going to need to modified transfers missing

| Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 30, 2012

This tough EPO Mini 182 ARF is packed with features that will appeal to both the new and experienced pilot, including flaps to help ensure low landing speeds. Other features that make this neat scale model easy to live with include a linked steerable noseleg, which is sprung to help with less than perfect landings and a huge magnetic battery hatch.

In addition to all the scale detail, Oleo front landing gear, landing & nav lights and flaps, you can also install the optional float set for yet another dimension to your flying!

Monteiro | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 31, 2011

aeronave muito bonita belos acabamentos, porem veio faltando partes como o profundor e j tem meses que comprei e nada da HK me enviar a parte que falta, quem quiser arriscar e comprar tambm fiquem a vontade, pois a garantia que vem completa no tem. . .

| Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 27, 2011

When I received this plane, it was my precious.Good Build Quality and good Price, I have mounted a nice engine, my best servos and ESC. I wanted this plane to be perfect. I had some trouble with the linkage in the wings to make them fit in the wing but no major problem. It's true the front wing is loss, I have reduced the movement by adding a colar to the screw but still. A standard spring would have been better than the aluminium column with shock absorber. Anyway, yesterday I did the maiden Flight, FYI I fly RC over 2 years and have over 10 models EDF,Scale, multi engines, Heli etc... and I could not fly it....First attempt when the plane gained speed it tiped over the front wheel that got sideway, I removed the foam to give more clearance to the wheel and did a second try. Second try I allowed the plane to gain plenty of speed, as i took off the plane tip stall and hit the runway by the wing. Hopefully no crash. Then I noticed I had like 1-2 degrees of flap down, so I reduced it to zero and tried for the last time, Plane got full speed, and before i pulled the elevator it tipped over the front landing gear... broken engine Mount. I havent crashed this year yet.. very disapointed with this plane as Liked the design.. I have another Cessna from HK but she has different wing size and shapes, and she is a beauty to fly the cessna 182 with no windows. My advice beginner/intermediate stay away from this plane

deathfromabove1 | Comprador Verificado

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Aug 24, 2011

shipping was a week to S.A, i recieved it with the box not damaged but not much protection for the fuze that was in the top of the box.

I checked that all the parts were there as i read that it was pretty common to have parts missing, they were all in the box so that was cool.

The instruction manual is vaugue to say the least so a bit of experiance is helpfull here, although its not difficult as so much has been done for you.

Other than that its a cool little plane. Havent had a chance to maiden her as the wind is hectic here in August.

I have noticed that the two pointy bits on the wing are very fragile so those i put a light coat of epoxy on to make them stronger, they really should be plastic.

i aslo found that the nose wheel has a lot of slop in it which makes it very hard to steer so that needs a mod for it to actually steer, i just glued it on the sprung part of the wheel and it sorted that out.

Also i tried in vain to get the linkage rods to line up in site the grooves but that wasnt happening on this plane they just seem to be in the wrong place. i had to modify one of the servo trays on the wing for the ailerons to get it line up without snagging and stalling the servo.

Monteiro | Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 07, 2011

great plane, perfect, has a good finish, but was missing the elevator, otherwise I recommend (if you do not miss the elevator). . .

Andreas | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 27, 2011

I find the flyer is nothing for beginners. poor quality and to sensitive for the
start to fly.


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