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Katana ARF 3D 0,52

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Katana ARF 3D 0,52


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Sua grande, o seu musculoso e nas mãos do piloto certo que vai wooo qualquer multidão! O .52 Katana é um sério olhando ARF, com reforço em sua necessário e facilmente reparáveis ​​balsa e madeira ply construção.
Aumentar o seu crédito rua com o Katana em seu próximo clube flyin!
O Katan é construído originalmente para .52 motores glow, no entanto, tem uma escotilha de acesso e espaço de sobra para tomar pacotes LiPoly e um outrunner EP com um monte.
Foram actualmente a construir o Katana com uma Turnigy 42-65. Criar log será enviado para a nossa página da comunidade em breve!

Asa Span: 55in / 1400 milímetro
Área Wing: dm 38.3sq
Voar Peso: 2.200 ~ 2300g
Fuselagem Comprimento: 49.2in / 1250 milímetros

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bekkouche azelah | Comprador Verificado

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Good in the sky

Nov 14, 2007

Superbe avion, mais pour la motorisation il faut mettre un OS 55 AX minimum. Avec ce moteur les montes la verticale sont un plaisir. Attention au centrage un peu trop arriere sur la notice. MAGNIFIQUE en vol neutre sur tous les axes. Bonne qualite du KIT, mai notice un peu juste.

timothy mrock | Comprador Verificado

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Katana ARF 3D .52

Nov 14, 2007

Received mine no damage, and great packing.Plane is 95% plywood built like a tank. Airframe weighs 3lbs very heavy for its size.Wing loading is to high for great 3D. The instructions are useless. Not for the novice builder.

mike | Comprador Verificado

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katana 3d .52 size

Nov 14, 2007

Best electric I setup so far belistic power.with50-55-600kv motor ,80 speedy,14/7 apc prop,5000mah 6cell zippy pack..Speedy se up on slow start mid timing and radio set on 95%throtle unreal set up for price thanks very much united.

Sigurd Abrahamsen | Comprador Verificado

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Vey good

Nov 14, 2007


Received the plane yesterday with no damages and everything is looking as good as it can be. Good quality on all parts. Will build asap using Turnigy motor and ESC.

timothy mrock | Comprador Verificado

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Nov 14, 2007

Mine will be here in the next couple of days,and will post details. Judging from the photo wing tube looks like aluminum. That will be the first thing to go. Carbon instead. This is my first plane from these fine folks. I have purchased 4 100 amp controllers 3 big out runners, bec's, etc. Hobby City is GREAT!!!!!!!

| Comprador Verificado

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Katana ARF 3D .52

Nov 14, 2007

No offence to the young woman holding the plane but the could have picked a HOT woman in a bikini to hold the Katana instead..!!!

Bryan Adcock (young) | Comprador Verificado

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China Woman

Nov 14, 2007

As long as the model isnt included I am happy.

KEVIN WILLCOCKS | Comprador Verificado

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Nov 14, 2007

Am looking to purchase this big bird

would appreciate any feedback on it's build and flying before i buy

Looks good in the picture

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