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aeronaves leves Micro RTF 5A Brushless w / 2 Servo

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aeronaves leves Micro RTF 5A Brushless w / 2 Servo


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Plug-n-Fly mini "Nataku" vem de 98% pré-construído.
Este plano bonitinho inclui servos pré-instalado, um motor brushless e ESC 5A. Você vai precisar de uma célula lipo 100-200mAh 2S para alimentar este avião.
Comprimento: 380 milímetros
Envergadura: 475 milímetros
Peso do vôo: 60-75g
Motor: ADH50 3700kv Brushless outrunner
ESC: 5A / 2S
Prop: GWS 4025
Servos: 2x2.5g
Bateria: 2S 100 ~ Lipo 200mAh (não incluído)
Seu próprio TX e RX
Bateria 100 ~ 200mAh 2S Lipo
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SAVAGEry | Comprador Verificado

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Jul 21, 2013

When I bought this (2yrs ago? just havent written review yet.) this page said nothing about that you had to build it, it just said "PNF". This was my first plane and I used a few hours getting it set up. Finally I thought it was good to go and I gave full throttle and let the plane go... after 10m it just dived and hit the ground. Prop broke. Next attempt, 6m and BAM crash. Motor now wouldn't go at all, just make weird sounds and the wing was broken. Gave up this plane 2 years ago or something so I don't need any advice.. this is just a warning to all newbies thinking of bying this one.. DON'T DO IT, get the 46$ Piper Cub instead if you're getting your first real RC plane

Malvin | Comprador Verificado

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Sep 08, 2012

I am very unhappy with This plane.. the motor shaft bendt When i was mouting the prop..
And when i was going to bend it straight again the motor shaft broke..

durasnito | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 30, 2012

es un avion muy divetido y vuela muy bien con mucho viento pero es muy delicado en la bajada pues las guias de las alas se rasgan facilmente ya que es de mucha velocidad en el aterrisaje

madmotu | Comprador Verificado

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Feb 17, 2012

Great plane,small,fast,slow,what ever you feel like.I did the aileron ver',been flying it for nearly a year now.replace the engine shaft after altercation with hardend shaft.Takes a night to build for the experienced.put a video up madmotu1 youtube.

StillOnTheRun44 | Comprador Verificado

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Dec 14, 2011

Over all a very nice Aircraft for the little money spent. there is alittle error in the write-up for this plane that said its 98pcnt pre built. this is not true, you do have to assemble it yourself but for the money who cares! it took me just under 2hrs to assemble (including glue drying time) and done a small test glide (with out power) and it seems to glide well. will take it for a fly when i get my controller fixed. Very nice plane, recommend to buy for the guys who just want to fly indoors or in a quiet park.

ThePJ | Comprador Verificado

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Sep 16, 2011

Bought that plane a year ago and because the esc was defect, tried getting a replacement. A year later still HK still has not shipped a replacement despite my reminders. Now I bought a new one, received it a few days ago and guess what - again the ESC is not working at all. Hope you are getting luckier than I did. And don't put any trust in HK's Warranty "promises".

motiro | Comprador Verificado

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Sep 04, 2011

j'ais tordus l'axe moteur!ou peut ont trouver des pices dtaches??
et quel helice ?peut ont trouver les pieces detachs ??

motiro | Comprador Verificado

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Sep 04, 2011

premier vole desastreux!!centrage aproximatif il a piquer du nez et j'ais casser l'hlice et tordus l'axe moteur!!
quel moteur commander et quel helice?
merci d'avance!

Daniel | Comprador Verificado

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Jul 04, 2011

I was a little disappointed with the build of this plane. I had a ParkZone T28 Trojan UMF that was awesome, but I lost it. So, not wanting to lose another $100 plane, I bought one of these.

"98pcnt prebuilt" in my mind doesn't really mean just a kit of parts I have to cut and glue and stuff. But I was okay with having to build it - I like building things - but for my first plane build I found the instructions and kit quality a little lacking.

I had to widen the wing slot because the wing was actually wider than the slot and didn't fit properly. The double stick tape that the instructions said was on the elevators was actually not there so I had to make a trip to the store to buy some. The horns for the flaps don't have a perpendicular support piece or barbs. And once the servos are in, it's impossible to put the receiver and battery in without cutting open the top of the fuselage.

That said, the motor is quite powerful and it pulls pretty hard. I'm pleased with the electronics, and I'm planning on doing an aileron mod because I like having that control.

But all the same, I think I'll stick with the higher quality planes I can get in my local hobby shop (like E-Flite or Parkzone). They fly better and are more satisfying to build because you don't need to do so many modifications.

d_rogue | Comprador Verificado

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Jun 05, 2011

Nice plane, the design could be better. Illustrations were helpful n made up for where the instructions weren't much. Servos n esc r great, motor is also lovely although the motor mount could be better: motor shaft is kinda flimsly n bent easily. It would be nice if the servos come preinstalled or if the installation was from the cockpit or the top of the plane as the bottom was too tight n my hands aren't that big. Quality control could b improved a bit as I was missing one or two parts.

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