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Mini Beetle Quadrotor RTF (Modo 2)

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Mini Beetle Quadrotor RTF (Modo 2)


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39,74 €
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O Mini Beetle Quad apresenta um 3 eixos avançado sistema de estabilização de giroscópio tornando-se bastante estável ainda acrobático bem. Normalmente, a construção e montagem de um Quadrotor requer muito tempo, regulação e ter de escolher seu próprio sistema de energia / componentes. O Mini Beetle Quad tira toda a configuração complicada e torna tão fácil quanto abrir a caixa, carregar as baterias e voar!

O Mini Beetle é muito capaz com muita potência de sobra. Ele oferece quatro modos diferentes de vôo (selecionáveis ​​pelo transmissor) - 20%, 40%, 60% e 100%. No modo de 20%, é características de vôo super estável torná-lo para o piloto quad menos experientes / iniciante livre de estresse. Alternar-se entre os modos percentuais mais elevados e torna-se mais e mais responsivo. Finalmente, em 100%, é altamente acrobático e muito sensível para quem quer empurrá-lo para seus limites. Quando no modo de 100%, a capacidade de resposta é muito maior que permite aletas apertadas, rolos e loops para ser realizada!

A partir de vôo básico para acrobacias quad incrível, o Mini Beetle pode lidar com tudo isso. Tudo isso e ainda é pequeno o suficiente para voar dentro do conforto de sua casa!

O Mini Beetle Quad vem completamente pronto para voar com um transmissor de 2,4 GHz incluído. O transmissor possui um fácil de ler display LCD retroiluminado. Este pacote inclui também a bateria de vôo, carregador de bateria e hélices de reposição.

sistema de estabilização de giroscópio de 3 eixos
características de vôo estáveis ​​Ultra
Quatro modos de vôo selecionáveis ​​de acordo com sua capacidade de voar / preferência
Modo de vôo acrobático permitindo flips, rolos e loops
Design compacto e leve
Pronto para voar incluindo transmissor de 2,4 GHz

Largura: 220 milímetros
Altura: 55 milímetros
Peso: 63 g
Modo Transmissor: Modo 2

Incluído na caixa:
Mini Beetle Quadrotor
transmissor de 2,4 GHz com display LCD retroiluminado (Modo 2)
bateria de 3.7V 500mAh lipoly
carregador de bateria
Peças hélices (2 x preto, 2 x vermelho)
Manual do usuário

4 pilhas AA para o transmissor

  • Mini Beetle Quadcopter RTF
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FedeVI | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 23, 2012

very nice, it is really easy to flip, and it looks like it's durable. I had a few crashed while flipping and still everything is in place. For the price, this is a really good product!. Solo Pro 328's batteries fit in perfectly, by the way.

Pedro | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 23, 2012

Ive received my quad last week. been using original battery and my blae sr120 batery which is a perfect fit.The quad behaves very nice indoor, and for my admiration, it can handle some wind outdoor. In overall im very happy with its performance, very good HK, you really nail it!

sidd232 | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 20, 2012

I have built more than 5 quads with all the possible configurations using all different boards, so how come this mini quad for less than $40 bucks performs way better???????????, it is a dream to fly it, i can actually fly it hands off, it is amazing, hopefully they release a bigger version with same performance, so far my best purchase from hibby king out of more than 40, EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chase | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 19, 2012

I got my beetle and it is amazing. It is the exact same thing as the MQX but this is better because of the price. I can flip mine indoors and it is so much fun to fly.

BrianB192 | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 10, 2012

i am very happy , this is so good ,,so stable so well made and my GF Loves it ,,as she can fly now ,and not break any bits ,, its so strong well made to take impacts , no trouble to use as all is well suited to simply trim , never to break a prop , stable and well handles a small breeze with out a problem , will self level and fly easy for everyone ,with easy to fix and maintain the cogs and motors if needed ,,and i don't see this wearing out very fast,or breaking , i am really happy .

zarak | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 09, 2012

Received today and very impressed with the quality you get for the price. Very easy to fly on 20pcnt and 40pcnt control setting. Mine flips like crazy even on 60pcnt if you end up giving fast correction input during flight. Very hard to fly on 100pcnt as it tends to flip straight away on the slightest control inputs. I have been flying heli's for almost 6 years and this thing is insane on 100pcnt. Maybe there is something wrong with the programming on my Radio. Besides that my back right motor has some issues straight out of the box as it does not spin up till i give it a slight push and on power / pitch pumps it tends to come backwards in the direction of the motor that has problems. But once its up in the air on 40pcnt settings it fly's great as long as i dont give it to much power.

FRANCE78 | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 09, 2012

Very stable flight , ultra smoot at 20pcnt atv and flips at 100pcnt atv.
Needs 6x AA battery into the trasmitter , not 4XAA as per description.
Very very good product from HK guys , very well done again. A must have for all quad-flyers. It's able to fly also with a wing-camera fixed at the bottom frame. Only needed more batteries now!!!! :)

Judar | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 09, 2012

Great little quad! flys much better then i expected. Binds with the 9x no problems. Great for when you need to get your "quad" on and its raining outside. Make sure you grab a spare battery or two, this thing is way 2 much fun!

Rodrigo | Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 07, 2012

Otimo produto! Recomendo a compra!

Meebert | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 04, 2012

I am a new owner to quad copters, previously I've flown toy level helicopters (I'm an owner of 5 different traxxas RC's).This thing is easy to fly and very durable, HK was actually fairly fast getting this one shipped. The 10 minute flight time is truly 10 minutes, the charger is very simple it doesn't indicate if the battery is plugged in or if it's done charging. Also the transmitter requires 6 AA batteries not 4. This is GREAT entry level quad.

youtube / watch?v=u5VoPZ83U7U&feature=g-upl

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Mini Beetle Quadcopter RTF (Mode 2) Download [1397]
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