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Mini Swallow Jet 40 milímetros EDF (610 milímetros) (KIT)

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Mini Swallow Jet 40 milímetros EDF (610 milímetros) (KIT)


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Ultra compacto e fácil de montar, o parque jet Swallow Jet Micro EDF é tão divertido de se pilotar, pois é para construir. As asas chegar em uma peça que faz a montagem de uma brisa. Você vai precisar de uma unidade de 40 milímetros EDF, dois servos 2.5gram, um 15Amp ESC, um 500mAh lipoly bateria 7,4 2s e seu próprio transmissor e receptor para completar este modelo. Barras de controlo e acessórios gerais foram incluídas, tudo o que você precisa é um pouco Ciano, kicker e 30 minutos de tempo livre!

Envergadura: 610 milímetros (24in)
Comprimento: 390 milímetros (15.3in)
Voar Peso: 140g
Unidade EDF: 40mm (Obrigatório)
ESC: 15A (Obrigatório)
Servos: 2 x 2,5 g (Obrigatório)
Bateria: 2s 7.4v 500mAh Lipoly (Obrigatório)

Unidade EDF: 40mm
ESC: 15A
Bateria: 2s 7.4v 500mAh Lipoly
Servos: 2 x 2,5 g

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Dieter | Comprador Verificado

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Feb 02, 2013

The Mini Swallow is a great little EDF*****
My Setup: Hyperion Kv 5800 - 2 micro servos 3,7 / 7,4 grams - Orange RX 410 receiver - Turniggy Plush 6 A - Lipo 2S 350 mAh.
Totaly weight 118 grams - Flying time by 75pcnt Thro abbout 5 minutes.
But you have to move the EDF between 30 and 40 mm forward, if you dont do that, you get problems with the CG, or a much higher weight!!!
You can also use a Feigao-motor, much power by low weight; i cant get one i Denmark :-(
I want to try a 3 S setup later; maybe i take a video in springtime.
Best regards from.

Jan | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 26, 2012

First of all: it does fly. 200g and above is obviously way too heavy, mine's about 170g with 2s and a solid 180g with 3s. I prefer the 3s setup, 2s makes it difficult to start due to a lack of thrust.
It's very easy to build, not so easy to fly (very instable) but sturdy enough to survive a series of attempts. For the money, it's not bad at all.

Funktor | Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 14, 2011

Summary: Does not fly.

Details: I do have only simple 4ch radio, so I used Turnigy V-tail mixer.

Other is 40mm EDF plus 8400kv engine, Hobby King 3.7g / .4kg / .10sec Micro Servo, Turnigy 18A Basic 3.1 ESC.

With this model weights 160g without battery (reccommended fligh weight is 140-160g in materials.

With 850mAh nanotech total weight is 212g.

I do not expect that model would be totaly unflyable even with this higher weight...

Very touchy on rotation, pull up with this on board does not work. Will try it with better radio (expo, mixing) and let you know...

But generally look for something more tested. Should have been warned by that I could not find any video of Swallow jet flying... not even 1 on Youtube.

Only plus is material that survied all my crashes, just little of CA fixed that.

| Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 20, 2011

Nicely molded EPO. Looks like very simple construction. I may paint mine bright orange and use the included decals, apparently this plane is the "pig-nose flyer". Great stuff, can't wait to get it together.

nyuk61 | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 09, 2011

Recieved this morning, have gone through all of the parts and this is a quality product for the price, the EDF40 with 8400kv motor fits perfectly into the body, the servos are nice and snug, an easy build.

Sprayed with foam safe paint, the build took about an hour.

Looks great and is very quick...........Thanks HK another great product.

Sylv111 | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 01, 2011

Received it this morning:
- the wing comes as one piece
- all the structure's made of strong EPO
- HK "EDF40 with 8400kv Motor Assembled" fits perfectly
- beautiful design and aerodynamics
- there are slots in each wing if you want to reinforce with some carbon fiber.

Thanks HK for making this cheap model that will scream on the airfields !

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