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Skua FPV Plane EPO 2.100 milímetros (KIT)

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Skua FPV Plane EPO 2.100 milímetros (KIT)


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166,59 US$
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Se você está procurando o avião FPV final, confira o novo Skua de X-UAV. Projetado desde o início para o dever FPV longa duração, o Skua coloca função sobre a forma, criando uma plataforma muito utilitária.

A fuselagem EPO tudo moldado oferece acesso fácil às câmeras, transmitteries FPV, baterias, ou qualquer outro equipamento que possa colocar a bordo. O kit vem un-montado com EPO e laser de peças de corte de madeira compensada, ou seja, você tem opções praticamente ilimitadas de como você configurar o modelo. Uma cauda boom de fibra de carbono abriga o leme e elevador servos perto da cauda fornecendo conexões de ligação muito direta, e maximizando o espaço na área da fuselagem. Transportar o Skua é fácil graças à sua ficha de 2 peça em asas, mais o pod fuselagem inferior remove facilmente da fuselagem principal.

Usando uma bateria 4S 10,000mAh, tabela de vôos bem mais de quatro horas pode ser alcançado graças à área de asa generosa e baixa carga de asa do Skua. Um compartimento fuselagem generoso com grande escotilha superior, bolha nariz removível e portas laterais duplos permite que você acesse o seu equipamento FPV e bateria de vôo em qualquer configuração que você escolher. É uma tela aberta para as suas necessidades FPV.

• Kit - Todas as instalações de montagem e equipamentos necessários
• fuselagem moldada EPO
• portas de acesso laterais articuladas
• bolha nariz removível para acesso rápido a equipement câmera.
• compartimento fuselagem Grande acolhe muitas configurações de bateria e equipement FPV.
• dois plug peça em asas com tubo de asa de carbono
• crescimento da fuselagem de carbono de peso leve
• trem de pouso triciclo

Envergadura: 2,100 milímetros
Comprimento: 1150 milímetros
Voar Peso: 2500-3000g
Área Wing:. 55 sq dm.
Compartimento inferior Dimensões: 270x70x93mm

4+ transmissor de canal e receptor
Bateria 4S 14.8V 5000-10000mAh LiPoly
2 x 9g Servos
2 x Servos 17g
3720 1200KV Brushless Motor
12 polegadas ou menos hélice de diâmetro
Controle 60A Brushless velocidade

  • Skua
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Stephen | Comprador Verificado

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Apr 22, 2015

One of the best planes I have had FPV inside of. Without the APM it impresses me with its graceful flight. I get great video when there isn't a full glare on the bubble up front, but I am glad to have a buffer between my GoPro and the ground. Its a must buy plane! The CG is a little but forward of where they said it is in the manual so be careful. The plane will wingtip stall if you hold the aileron over completely. Don't treat it like some kind of fast flyer, because its not. I have never had a tip stall only a low speed stall trying to catch it once. Enjoy!

Emma | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 25, 2015

Amazing plane this one, the plane oozes quality, for the price this is without a doubt the best frame you can buy, with proven flight times of over 2 hours with just 10'000mah it is incredibly efficient, the perfect FPV airframe in my eyes. Some may say she isn't the best looking plane out there, but it is designed entirely for function which is what you want with FPV, who cares what it looks like when it is going to be out of sight for the entire flight anyway? amazing plane.

voyager4 | Comprador Verificado

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Feb 05, 2015

At the first flight I crashed the Skua because it stalled (broken servo?)
But today I made the real maiden and it goes very well. The skua is a steady airplane. Inside I have the apm autopilot that helps a lot while flying. I noticed that at full ailleron stick the skua stalls over the wingtip, so becarefull with that.
Used a NTM prop drive serries 35-42 1250kv and a Apc style 10x5 prop, Hobbyking 70A blue series esc and APM.

Warren | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 30, 2014

I bought one of these after having used a Skywalker 1900mm. I converted the wing to include flaps (they do work well), however, the Skua is a poor plane for FPV and general utility. The Skua does fly well and is very stable once you get it airborne safely. In my experience it has a high stall speed, partly as a result of that big gondola under the wing, the comparatively low aspect ratio and the weight of motor and battery (5500mAh). So despite the flaps, it is tricky to land gracefully and will easily snap-stall on landing, resulting in all sorts of mischief. The other issue I have with the Skua is the prop position its a puller and in my view, pushers are superior for FPV, besides, the prop simply gets in the way of your camera gear. Last, I think the wing assembly is over-complicated as it uses three carbon rods and two detachable wings this is fiddly, weak and prone to fracturing the rods on heavy landings or ground loops. I suggest the Skywalker for FPV, rubber band mounted single wing, pusher prop, big camera bay on the nose.

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