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Solo PRO 180 3G Flybarless 3D Micro Helicopter - Amarelo (AUS plug) (RTF)

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Solo PRO 180 3G Flybarless 3D Micro Helicopter - Amarelo (AUS plug) (RTF)


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O Solo Pro 180 3G Flybarless 3D Micro helicóptero chegou! Este é um passo coletivo 3D micro helicóptero flybarless que é certo para agradar. Pesando apenas 105g de peso de vôo, este é um pequeno, mas muito capaz heli!

Com o seu motor brushless principal, sistema de flybarless de alta qualidade, ea cauda conduzido eixo, o Solo PRO 180 tem micro helicópteros 3D a um nível totalmente novo. A cauda conduzido eixo oferece uma locked-in sentir inigualável por outros micro helis no mercado. Esta máquina realmente voa como um muito maiores heli!

O PRO 6CH rádio de 2,4 GHz J6 também vem incluído com este pacote. Este é um rádio de alta qualidade que permite a ligação com outros Pro helis Solo como o Solo Pro 100, e com muitas grandes características tais como:

Modelo Tipo de Seleção
canal Invertendo
As taxas duplas
Setup CCPM Mix
Tipo swashplate
Geral Wing-Mix
Acelerador ajustável / Curva de Pitch
Gyro Ajuste de Sensibilidade
Função Throttle Hold
guarnição de memória
transmissão de energia
Modo 1 ou Modo 2 Swith Seleção (localizada na parte de trás do rádio)

Este pacote vem pronto para voar com o J6 rádio incluiu PRO 6CH 2,4 GHz, carregador de bateria de taxa variável, e uma lipoly 3.7V 680mAh. Carregue a bateria de vôo, e você está pronto para voar!

Diâmetro do rotor: 12,52 "(318 milímetros)
Comprimento total: 14,17 "(360 milímetros)
Peso: 3,7 onças (105g)
Bateria: lipoly 3.7V 680mAh
Tipo Rádio: Modo 1 ou Modo 2 (selecionável pelo usuário por swith na parte de trás do rádio)

* Esta versão vem com AUS ficha de alimentação carregador

  • Solo PRO 180 3G Flybarless 3D Micro Helicopter - Yellow
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Johnny66 | Comprador Verificado

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Sep 21, 2012

As a newcomer to the hobby/sport I bought the Solo Pro 180 3G because I thought it would be less intimidating than anything larger such as Trex 450/500. Out of the box, the Solo Pro 180 is a little feisty for the beginner such as myself. After a few minor crashes (and minor repairs), I decided to tame this little beast! To start with, the Pitch Curve in normal mode was flat at /- 15 degrees or more! If you're a beginner try something like 45-50-55-60-65 for pitch. This I found was more than enough perhaps -5/ 10 degrees. Also a Throttle Curve of 0-20-40-60-75 gave a hover a little over mid stick and a 6 minute flight. With the Pitch & Throttle set like this I was able to lift off quickly without the Heli tilting to one side! I also set the D/R normal rate to 80pcnt for all axis and set the Ail/Ele expo curves to -50E and Rudd at 00E. These settings worked great for me but experiment for yourself. I gave 3 stars for Value because spare parts can add up quickly and 4 stars for quality because some parts are not very robust! If you want to save on repairs for this little Heli, "Don't fly it"!

Johnny66 | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 21, 2012

As a relatively newcomer to the hobby/sport I bought the Solo Pro 180 3G because I thought it would be less intimidating than anything larger such as Trex 450/500. Plus my Solo Pro 260A turns one way better than the other! OK, out of the box, the Solo Pro 180 is a little feisty for the beginner such as myself. After a few minor crashes (and minor repairs), I decided to tame this little beast! To start with, the Pitch Curve in normal mode was at least /- 15 degrees or more! If you're a beginner try something like 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 for pitch. This I found was more than enough perhaps -5/ 10 degrees. Also a Throttle Curve of 0 - 20 - 40 - 60 - 75 gave a hover a little over mid stick and gave me a 6 minute flight. With the Pitch and Throttle set like this I was able to lift off reasonably quickly without the Heli tilting to one side! I also set the normal rate sensitivity to 80pcnt for all axis and set the Ail/Ele curves to -50E and left Rudd at 00E. This worked great for me but feel free to experiment for yourself and enjoy this little gem. I gave 3 stars for Value because spare parts can add up quickly and 4 stars for Quality because some parts are not very robust! If you want to save on repairs for this little Heli, "Don't fly it"!

Johnny66 | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 15, 2012

As a relatively newcomer to the hobby/sport I bought the Solo Pro 180 3G because I thought it would be less intimidating than anything larger such as Trex 450/500. Plus my Solo Pro 260A turns one way better than the other! OK, out of the box, the Solo Pro 180 is a little feisty for the beginner such as myself. After a few minor crashes (and minor repairs), I decided to tame this little beast! To start with, the Pitch Curve in normal mode was at least /- 15 degrees or more! If you're a beginner try something like 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 for pitch. This I found was more than enough perhaps -5/ 10 degrees. Also a Throttle Curve of 0 - 20 - 40 - 60 - 75 gave a hover a little over mid stick and gave me a 6 minute flight. With the Pitch and Throttle set like this I was able to lift off reasonably quickly without the Heli tilting to one side! I also set the normal rate sensitivity to 80pcnt for all axis and set the Ail/Ele curves to -50E and left Rudd at 00E. This worked great for me but feel free to experiment for yourself and enjoy this little gem. I gave 3 stars for Value because spare parts can add up quickly and 4 stars for Quality because some parts are not very robust! If you want to save on repairs for this little Heli, "Don't fly it"!

Johnny66 | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 15, 2012

As a relatively newcomer to the hobby/sport I bought the Solo Pro 180 3G because I thought it would be less intimidating than anything larger such as Trex 450/500. Plus my Solo Pro 260A turns one way better than the other! OK, out of the box, the Solo Pro 180 is a little feisty for the beginner such as myself. After a few minor crashes (and minor repairs), I decided to tame this little beast! To start with, the Pitch Curve in normal mode was at least /- 15 degrees or more! If you're a beginner try something like 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 for pitch. This I found was more than enough perhaps -5/ 10 degrees. Also a Throttle Curve of 0 - 20 - 40 - 60 - 75 gave a hover a little over mid stick and gave me a 6 minute flight. With the Pitch and Throttle set like this I was able to lift off reasonably quickly without the Heli tilting to one side! I also set the normal rate sensitivity to 80pcnt for all axis and set the Ail/Ele curves to -50E and left Rudd at 00E. This worked great for me but feel free to experiment for yourself and enjoy this little gem. I gave 3 stars for Value because spare parts can add up quickly and 4 stars for Quality because some parts are not very robust! If you want to save on repairs for this little Heli, "Don't fly it"!

ashleywest | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

May 20, 2012

Good idea but poorly implemented. Flies ok after proper setup but incredibly fragile and the slightest bump bends and breaks everything. Spare parts never in stock. Transmitter is a nightmare to program and incompatible with other systems so you're stuck with it, and as it has no model memories it's useless for anything else.

twipsta | Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 01, 2012

Great little heli, very twitchy. Found mine to be way out of trim, and the tail rudder was only giving deflection one way.

I also found the swash positioning arm to be out of it's guide.

Make sure you do a thorough preflight check. They are not all RTF!

CAUTION: The product manuals included have been manually edited by HobbyKing blanking out all iterations of the Nine Eagles website. This caused damage to the product in my case and HobbyKing will not admit fault.

To add insult to injury, as of writing this HobbyKing has been out of stock of everything for 2-3 weeks now.

If it helps, the HobbyKing listing does seem to mention the mfg. part number so you may be able to find them elsewhere :D

wwinton | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 24, 2011

I am disappointed with this helicopter, as others have said it will barely get off the ground out of the box, I am still trying to tune mine to hover without constantly turning in circles. I have moved the tail servo horn back to give the tail more adjustment, and put the servo rod to the centre hole, I tried the outer hole, but then had bad tail wag.
If anyone has had success tuning this heli please help!

Chris | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 14, 2011

This is supposed to be set up and ready to fly, it's not, in fact mine doens't fly at all, the set up was completely wrong on the TX and my tail blade shaft is well bent like it's had a prang, but I haven't managed to get it to leave the ground at all and haven't hit anything, so it came like this. The box looked rather second hand and I'm wondering if this was some one elses return! Basically at the moment I think it's a load of crap and a waste of money! Not good enough Hobby King, you've pissed me off this time!

plasticbaldy | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 11, 2011

Gear mesh is way too tight. U/c is fragile. Should have used HDPE or PP instead of the brittle polymer used. Radio has no memory for other models. It would be a great toy if Hobby King stocked spare parts. Probably not their fault except that they should have told 9 Eagles that they would only stock this when parts were available. I don't suggest buying this till they get parts.

Neve | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 11, 2011

Delivery and email notices from HobbyKing is 5 Stars. Information was available right from the moment the order was placed till the goods arrived.

Had 260A before this 318 and both has been a wonderful experience.
The price is still a little steep for a micro this size especially when considering shipping cost. Could have gotten more audience if cost somewhere 30pcnt lower.

Manually turn the motor and it is smooth but When spooling up, it has such a jerky action that causes it to turn more than 120 degree yaw before lift off. Could be the effect from the Torque Tube. Heli tense to lean too much to the right during lift off and tail blades strike the ground too often due to the tilt and long tail blades.

Quality is premium for the heli but the looks of the transmitter needs a different liking, much similar to the feeling one's has with their 4ch transmitter.

Finally, would love to have HobbyKing stock up and makes spare parts available for us to buy. We are looking forward to the 228's due date too.

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