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Turnigy de carga da bateria Marcador (10pcs / saco)

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Turnigy de carga da bateria Marcador (10pcs / saco)


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Todos nós já fizemos isso antes, você ligar o seu modelo com uma bateria que você estava certa foi totalmente carregada, mas de repente o seu modelo vai para LVC pouco depois da descolagem, forçando-o a fazer um pouso de emergência. É muito fácil perder a noção de que as baterias estão carregadas e quais não são quando você traz uma caixa cheia deles para o campo.

Temos agora uma solução, o Turnigy de carga da bateria marcador! Este acessório prático varas sobre a sua bateria com fita dupla face e permanece firmemente no lugar. Ele apresenta um guia deslizante que forma simples e fácil indica se a bateria está carregada. Quando terminar o carregamento da embalagem, deslize a guia para mostrar a cor verde (pago), quando você tirar a bateria do seu modelo após o uso, deslize a guia para mostrar a cor vermelha (descarregada). É simples assim!

Dimensões: 25x12x3mm
Peso: 0,3 g

10pcs / bag

  • Turnigy Battery Charge Marker
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Mac | Comprador Verificado

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Neat indicators

Jan 27, 2022

Simple, handy way to keep track of your pack usage on site

Bordas | Comprador Verificado

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Dec 27, 2021


Jay Beaton | Comprador Verificado

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Nov 27, 2021

I have these on all my lipos. Has prevented me from inadvertently taking off with previously discharged packs.
I use them to indicate 3 states of charge......
Green 100% (go to fly)
Red discharged (no go, don’t fly)
Red/Green mid position to indicate packs which are at storage SOC. You can't go wrong with the price. Goods as described, well packaged and delivered quickly - all in all 5 points I put one of these markers on each of my LiPo batteries. Very useful when you take many Batteries to the field. And it's so cheap handy and it saves a lot of time checking lipo batteries Handy, must have for your day at the field very useful, if you have a lot of batteries Great little item. Make sure you use them. Flip the switch the minute you take it out of your model. Perfect way to keep track of your lipo batteries at the field or at home or on the lipo charger

Dagoberto | Comprador Verificado

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Practical, but peeling off the back is very difficult

Oct 21, 2021

I bought several of these and I found them very practical. The issue I have with them is that the foil at the back is glued too hard to the sticky part, and it is extremely difficult to peel it off. Indeed it is glued so hard that sometimes instead of peeling it off you just rip off the whole back part of the marker, rendering it useless.

Gregor | Comprador Verificado

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Oct 21, 2021

Well-assorted and qualitatively appealing accessories and special small parts offered comparatively cheaply - great!

Gyx | Comprador Verificado

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Verry handy

Oct 16, 2021

Great item which helps keeping track of charged, not-charged and storage status batteries.

Brilliant | Comprador Verificado

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Oct 06, 2021

Good product at a good price efficient and swift delivery plus well packaged, thanks

Curt R | Comprador Verificado

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Works great

Oct 01, 2021

They work well !!!

Yvanof | Comprador Verificado

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Très bon produit

Sep 22, 2021

Très pratique mais difficile à enlever le plastique pour le collage

Tom | Comprador Verificado

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Take it!

Sep 14, 2021

Take it and you will get what you will need!

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