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Turnigy nano-tecnologia 1800mAh 4S 65 ~ 130C Lipo pacote

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Turnigy nano-tecnologia 1800mAh 4S 65 ~ 130C Lipo pacote


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36,77 US$
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Mais do que apenas um nome fantasia. baterias LiPoly Turnigy nano-tecnologia foram projetados a partir do zero com o desempenho sério em mente. Utilizando um avançado LiCo substrato nano-tecnologia que permite que os elétrons passam mais livremente do anodo para o catodo com menos impedância interna. Em resumo; menos afundamento de tensão e uma taxa de descarga superior a um polímero de lítio densidade semelhante baterias (não nano-tecnologia).

Para aqueles que amam gráficos, isso significa maior tensão sob carga, descarga curvas retas e excelente desempenho. Para os pilotos soletra socos acelerador mais fortes e desempenho straight-up irreal. Excelente notícia para os pilotos em 3D!

Infelizmente com outras grandes marcas; números, classificações e gráficos pode ser falsificado. Tenha certeza, Turnigy nano-techs são o verdadeiro negócio, proporcionando um desempenho inigualável!

Capacidade: 1800mAh
Tensão: 4S1P / 4 Cell / 14.8V
Discharge: 65C Burst / Constante 130C
Peso: 228g (incluindo fio, plug & caso)
Dimensões: 103 x 35 x 31mm
Equilíbrio Plug: JST-XH
Descarga Plug: XT60

Vantagens sobre as baterias tradicionais LiPoly;
• A densidade de potência chega a 7,5 kW / kg.
• queda de tensão Menos durante a descarga taxa elevada, dando mais poder sob carga.
• impedância interna pode chegar a tão baixo quanto 1.2mO comparada com a de 3MO de um Lipoly padrão.
• Maior controle térmico, embalagem normalmente não excede 60degC
• Inchaço durante a carga pesada não deve exceder 5%, em comparação a 15% de um Lipoly normal.
• Maior capacidade durante a descarga pesado. Mais de 90% na taxa de 100% de C.
• Carga rápida capaz, até 15C em algumas baterias.
• Maior Ciclo de Vida, quase o dobro da tecnologia lipoly padrão.

A tecnologia nano-core em baterias de íon de lítio é a aplicação de nanômetros aditivos condutores. Os aditivos nanômetros condutora formar ultra-fortes redes de condução de elétrons nos eletrodos que podem aumentar a condutividade eletrônica.

Estes aditivos criar a capacidade para embebição no líquido transportador para fornecer mais canais iônicos. Isto melhora a capacidade de transmissão de iões e difusão de iões. Através da melhoria da transmissão de condutividade e ion eletrônico, a impedância é reduzida e a polarização da descarga de alta taxa diminui muito.

  • Capacidade ( mAh) 1800.00
  • Descarga ( c) 65.00
  • Max Taxa de carga (C) 8.00
  • Comprimento -A (mm) 103.00
  • Altura -B (mm) 35.00
  • Width-C(mm) 31.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-12


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Feivur | Comprador Verificado

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Mar 01, 2017

Firstly I two discharge-charge this battery. ISDT Q6 shows 2.04 Ah of capacity. Good!

MrSmith | Comprador Verificado

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Poor Quality

Nov 06, 2016

I've ordered 2 of these LiPos. One came with all cells at 0,0volts. A completely dead Lipo. The other one had cells at about 3,2volts per cell. HK send me a new one for the faulty one. But iam not impressed. They lose voltage very fast when not used. And some cells cant be loaded to 4.20volts. Voltage is also different for all cells. Balancing dont works! Maybe they was better some time ago, but at the moment these are very poor and expensive Lipos! I will not buy again these.

Christoph | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 14, 2016

Ordered 2 batteries for my ZMR quad. However, after 1/2 year of decent flying both lipos are unusable. At one lipo all cells seems to be ok but after take off the voltage drops immediately and FC and ESCs reboot. The other one has a cell with huge voltage drift after storing the lipo for 2 weeks at storing voltage. Tried to balance it, but did not work properly. Never had any problems with nano-tech lipos, but these both lipos I would not buy again.

SniperSam | Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 25, 2016

love it for its price and what it can put up to

_Valo_ | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 08, 2016

I purchased a pack about 4 months ago; quality was initially very good. The pack arrived within storage voltage levels and seemed to perform well for ~3.5 months until the balance plug failed. I suspect a wire came loose within the pack. I was not rough on any of the leads during handling/charging and this was the first pack ever to have a balance plug fail. Without a functioning balance lead I cannot balance charge the battery or get cell voltages via telemetry.

Otherwise the battery still works, but for the price I hoped for a longer lasting pack. I realize I only have 1 data point; your mileage may vary, but I will not be buying again.

| Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 09, 2016

Great powerful lipo at a great price.

| Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 05, 2016

Bought 6 now in total and I now is in the bin after a dead cel(2 weeks ago)l..just bought the zippy brand to try

| Comprador Verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 12, 2016

These batteries provide quality performance for their size and weight however I would absolutely without a doubt purchase Bolt 1800 4S batteries the second time around as they provide far more performance and weigh an ounce less for $10 more per battery. Regardless of that fact I am still happy with my purchase of these batteries and use them almost daily.

Lukas | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 04, 2016

Bought 3 pieces of this lipo. All is OK and has declared discharge C. After 5 charging cycles at 1-3C, I'll try influence of faster charging. 1 piece I'll charge always at 3C, second at 4C and third at 5C. I wonder if it affects the life of the battery.

LifeIsShort | Comprador Verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 09, 2016

Best battery. Using these batteries with 210 size quadcopter. It gives be about 9 minutes of calm flight and 5 minutes of flatout. Also super fast charge possible (up to 8C).

Highly recommended!

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