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YAK 54 RTF w / Lipo & Brushless System (cor branca)

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YAK 54 RTF w / Lipo & Brushless System (cor branca)


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Esta é uma séria RTF a partir Art Tech.
gráficos emocionantes, projeto bem detalhado e excelente voo lento e características de manipulação 3D são algumas das razões pelas quais você vai querer ter este avião, chegando à sua porta na próxima semana.
Este é um kit de qualidade bem feita e alta. Com um sistema sem escovas
Tempo de construção é de cerca de 9 minutos.

3 x Micro Servo
motor de alto torque brushless w / caixa de velocidades
Controlador de velocidade brushless
1300mAh 3S1P Lipo pacote
Carregador Lipo
CD software de vôo
Ferramentas e acessórios.
hélice sobressalente

Comprimento: 35in
Asa Span: 36.6in
Voar Peso: 19 oz
Prop: AT1147
1300mAh 11.1v

Rádio 4 canais (transmissor / receptor)

Relatório de vôo.
Yak constrói rapidamente, no entanto sugerimos o uso de cola epóxi na cauda, ​​em vez das articulações parafuso fornecido. Se você usar 5min epóxi que não vai demorar mais tempo e você vai acabar com uma cauda em linha reta e resistente.
Todas as juntas e acessórios se encaixam perfeitamente. Fornecimento desmontado 1300mAh 11.1v é bom para vôos em torno 7min. No entanto, temos utilizado um pacote de 1700mAh 3S1P D9 (outros do mesmo tamanho vai se encaixar perfeitamente) para estender as horas de voo e do peso do nariz ligeiramente para um dia ventoso. leme de cauda e articulações elevador precisa flexionar 5-10 vezes para libertá-los para o servos para opperate sem problemas.
Servo lances e guarnição parece correto. precisava de muito pouco da regulação do equilíbrio pré-vôo.
Yak era mão-lançado e voou como esperado. Controle de lança são enormes, então novatos ter cuidado ao lançar ou baixo para o chão.
rolos de pressão, faca foco borda e harriers rolando todas realizadas com facilidade. O prop e motor-caixa de velocidades combinação 11x4.7 fornecido Trabalhou excelente. Embora a caixa de velocidades é um pouco barulhento, ele desenha um bom público.
trem de pouso adequado mas curvas ligeiramente sobre desembarques ásperos ou overs nariz.
Acima de tudo, um flomie 3D excelente. Bem feito Art-Tech!

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Shannon Dildine | Comprador Verificado

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Amazing plane for under $100.0

Nov 14, 2007

My Yak arrived and all pieces were perfectly strait, no bends or cracks. "Great Packing job". Mine arrived in the blue and white color pattern which I think looks better than the yellow anyway! This Yak 3Ds like a dream. It will fly nice at 1/4 throttle. Follow everyone elses advice and get the 5 min appoxy for the tail. It is also useful if you crash and need to strengthen any part of the plane. Plenty of power with the factory motor. Took about 40 minutes from opening box to being in the air. Hand launches great and also launches good from smooth surface. I have not had any problems with nose overs. If you like the look of this plane and want to fly 3-D, Then BUY IT!!! I want to buy another to put up incase I total this one!

Jesus Carrion | Comprador Verificado

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C.G of this plane ???

Nov 14, 2007

Where is the C.G in this plane, in 2,5 inches or 3,5 inches or ???????

Paul Sinnis | Comprador Verificado

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Great Flyer

Nov 14, 2007

I was really impressed with this foamy. Looks great, and easy to see in the air. Flies great, but make sure you set the throws low for your first few flights. Blistering fast rolls. I did change out the landing gear to something a bit stronger, but other than that a great plane!

John Ash | Comprador Verificado

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Art-Tech Yak-54

Nov 14, 2007

Hope this helps!

Nicolas Robesyn | Comprador Verificado

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Yak 54 rtf

Nov 14, 2007

Nice plane, flys quite well, sufficient power. Highly maneuverable.

However, on the 5the flight, the engine axle broke in mid air rendering the engine useless. So no 5 stars rating from me.

Otherwise, still worth every penny

HOCK KWEE TAN | Comprador Verificado

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Nov 14, 2007

A nice plane that flys nicely. Flys

slow on the stock prop so I change to GWS 10x8 as recomended by some reviewer and had a few good flight. Was happy with it until I notice the rhudder servo jam on one side when I try hovering. In my panic I had a hard landing and break the fuselage in two. That servo totally can't move now. Maybe it was just my luck to had a faulty servo on my plane. Had order one for my friend, hope his don't have same problem.

Thomas Reiff | Comprador Verificado

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Art-Tech YAK 54 RTF

Nov 14, 2007

Schnes Flugzeug, Farbe leider nicht lt. Bild sondern wei/blau/rot, Verarbeitung ist ok, Aufkleber knnten etwas besser positioniert werden, gutmtige Flugeigenschaften, Lipo HXP D9 1300mAh passt gut ins Akkufach.

Antriebsleistung fr 3D etwas schwach

Fahrwerk sollte verstrkt werden.

Preis / Leistung ist ok, wrde mir Modell wieder kaufen, Danke HC!

ricky newton | Comprador Verificado

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yak54 by art-tech

Nov 14, 2007

i have this plane and i love it. its a joy to fly and control is very good even on low rates it will perform big. if you would like to see this plane in flight pleaes go to

then lokk up my user name its lowrider1812

just click on my name to see my video list.i have to with this airplane. i use the flycam 1v-2 one in front and one in back.i also use e-flight 12by6 prop works real good.a third video with the mods i made will post soon. this plane rocks.

Manos Greece | Comprador Verificado

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Nov 14, 2007

Which plane do you suggest EDGE540-T RTF or YAK 54 RTF

Mathys Wagensveld | Comprador Verificado

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Yak 54

Nov 14, 2007

It's a nice plane to see.

The parts fit perfectly.

but it's a plane to start with and the gearbox is for my opinion not so well.

Futher i'm pleased with the plane and 5 stars if it come without a gearbox.

Took from 28-11 till 31-12 to come to holland, I hope next orders will be shipped quiker.

Thanks UH

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