10 Tips For The RC Beginner

As a beginner RC Hobbyist, there are so many things that you still have to learn.

Sometimes the only way to learn is to make mistakes yourself, but sometimes you just need solid advice from experienced and advanced hobbyists. So I reached out to the awesome people in our community and got some advice to stop you from making the same mistakes they did. Here is a list of the 10 best pieces of advice I received...

1. Get A Bigger Tool Box than you may think you need.

2. Good quality tools are worth their weight in gold

3. Decided what mode you are, not what mode people are trying to sell me.

Also for wheel radios, ask yourself - am I left-handed or right-handed?

HobbyKing Tips for Beginners

4. There are a thousand and one uses for double-sided tape

5. Always keep a sharpie in your toolbox

6. You can never have too many batteries

HobbyKing Tips for Beginners

7. Secure receivers with Velcro

8. Computer Sims can save a lot of money

9. Reach out to the local community. Tracks / Air Fields / local clubs.

Make sure you use the advice of your fellow hobbyist before you buy the wrong model.

10. A work mat can save you hours of looking for screws

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