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BMS-28A высокого напряжения (7.4V) Coreless Цифровой сервопривод ж / титанового сплава шестерни 28кг / 0.10sec / 74g

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BMS-28A высокого напряжения (7.4V) Coreless Цифровой сервопривод ж / титанового сплава шестерни 28кг / 0.10sec / 74g


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107,16 A$
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1 year warranty
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BMS-28A является высокое напряжение (7.4V) Coreless Цифровой сервопривод с участием Титановые передачами и теплоотвод корпус Alu. BMS-28A включает в себя сверхмощный набор качалку.

Вес: 74 г
Размеры: 40,5 х 20 х 39 мм
Крутящий момент @ 6В: 23 кг / см
Крутящий момент @ 7.4V: 28 кг / см
Скорость @ 6В: 0.12sec / 60 град при отсутствии нагрузки
Скорость @ 7.4V: 0.10sec / 60 град при отсутствии нагрузки

Alu радиатора Case
Титановый механизм
Coreless Motor
цифровой сервопривод
Двойной шариковый подшипник
разъем типа JR
Совместимость с 2s LiPoly (7.4V), 6 клеток Nimh & 2 клеток А123 (6.6v).

BMS-28A является высокая производительность сервопривода производятся на Тайване и рекомендуется для всех приложений.

  • Servo Крутящий момент ( кг ) (мин . 0,01 кг ) 28.00
  • Servo Скорость (п / 60deg ) 0.10
  • Servo А ( мм ) 40.00
  • Servo В ( мм ) 41.00
  • Servo С ( мм ) 39.00
  • Servo D ( мм ) 20.00
  • Servo Е ( мм ) 55.00
  • Servo F ( мм ) 28.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-11


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Bms28a | Проверенный покупатель

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The best servo

Jul 25, 2021

I have been using this servo on all my giant scale planes.
Great, powerful, and reliable as the day is long.
Great value

Daniel | Проверенный покупатель

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Jun 24, 2018

Very good torque and amazing speed for the Price.

walterosa | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 18, 2016

I am using this servo in my Extreme Flight Edge 35cc on rudder, perfect, powerful, fast.
Just a bit heavier.

Davide79 | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 06, 2015

This servo is super for the price..very fast,very precision centering very strong and well made. Japanese coreless motor with HVoltage is perfect solution for strong application. Blue Bird is a very good factory that made in Taiwan a very best compromise from quality and price!!! Now i have more flight with it and it is perfect. I have other BBird servo BLS 31A and BLS 2112 and I'm very satisfated from it for high precision of centering and resolution,this is at the same of other brushless famous brand i have Futaba BLS,Savox SB.Now i test the durability for have a final review.

Joetrin | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Sep 30, 2014

I've been really impressed with BlueBird servo's, I use 1 of these for each eleveator half of my 35pcnt Su-26, and it's big brother for Rudder. The centering, response, and lack of slop is amazing for a servo this price. Current draw is minimal as well, torque is as advertises, and you will not be lacking in speed.

I'd gladly recommend this servo to anyone.

TheRCGuy | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 27, 2014

Very good torque and amazing speed for the price. I used 2 of them in a plane but each one like 1oz heavier than regular standard servos (it is around 79 grams not 74).

Dexter | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Sep 08, 2013

Excellent servo for its price. Using it on my mugen mbx6e with a high voltage setup for a few months now. Got into a serious head on collision with a short course truck that was going the wrong way... what was that @ driver thinking???... suffered a broken front arm, bent shock shaft, dented shock body but the servo survived... just bought another one. Well done hobbyking!!

ODmix | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 18, 2013

Really good noise, smooth and accurate

frouxel22 | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Feb 11, 2013

Hello, I put this servo on Losi 8ight-T Truggy and I am quite happy with the speed and torque. The gearing is a little louder than my first BMS-35A bought 1 yeat ago... I put more grease in it and I use plastidip against water. I have to wait for durability...

I post a video on youtube, you can find it easily with tags.
Regard and thanks to hobbyking

dominic | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 29, 2012

Jai installer se servi sur mon truggy 1/8 pour steering et trs puissant et rapide trs satisfais reste a voir la longeviter

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