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CL-415 Canadair 1390mm (ARF)

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CL-415 Canadair 1390mm (ARF)


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40,30 $
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CL-415 является единственным в мире самолетом специально построенном , как пожарным, это буквально, Автоцистерна. Эта большая модель Гидросамолет может быть поднят либо от воды или в Вашей любимой травы летающих Фейлд, но , несмотря на его размер, этот комплект может быть завершен за очень небольшую цену.
Модель очень легкая, а это означает мало энергии требуется , чтобы получить его "отключился" и в воздух, он также имеет водное рулевое весло, подключенный к рулю, для управления модель обратно на берег. Если вы не летают из воды, просто снимите ввернуть воды рулевого управления рулем направления и ручной запуск, отличные манеры Canadair означают трава посадки ветер. Комплект имеет очень всеобъемлющий набор аппаратных средств, в том числе сервоприводов удлинители, 8x3.8SF реквизита, блесен, клей и инструменты!
Строительство: Пена / Ply
Размах крыла: 1390mm
Длина: 968mm
Сухой вес: 710G
4 - канальный (элеронов, лифт, дроссель, руль направления)
Ваш собственный 4Ch RX / TX
2 х 24/2210 1400-1500kv Motors
2 х 20A ESC
4 х 9g Servo
Батарея 2200mAh 3s LiPoly
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VictimOfGravity | Проверенный покупатель

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Jan 04, 2013

My Canadair had a lot of modifications, most of them unnecessary as it turned out. One piece wing without the wire struts, move the rudder servo to the back, opposite the elevator servo. I glassed the hull for landing on grass and as there were no suitable dams around, it was always hand launched. Then it was converted for FPV. This took the flying weight to 1.4kg (3.1lbs), needed a good arm to get it going. Thermals would bounce it around a bit, but otherwise it flew sweet.

Was just getting to like it when it was downed by a Wedge Tailed eagle. It was fun while it lasted!

Search YouTube for YhTIO1MV2XU to get the full specs.

Herbyaespen | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 10, 2012

Die Canadair ist seit mindesten 6 Wochen out of Stock. Das scheint System zu haben bei HK, die Kunden bestellen und bezahlen die Ware, nachher wartet man 2 bis 3 Monate und nichts passiert. Folglich nichts bestellen, was nicht an Lager ist. Abgesehen davon ist die Canadair ein super Flugzeug. Easy aus der Hand zu starten, auf dem Wasser absoluter Sonnenschein. Eines meiner Lieblingsflugzeuge. Leider habe ich gedacht, die Flgelverstrebungen seien nicht notendig, da das Flugzeug wirklich sehr leicht ist. Einmal ein raumgreiffender Looping, Flgel abgeprochen, Absturz aus ca. 150 Meter, Motoren, Servos und ESC sind noch zu gebrauchen, der Rest ist Mll. Seither warte ich auf Ersatz.

ILUVRC2 | Проверенный покупатель

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Jun 02, 2012

It was mentioned in one of the reviews about boreing a hole in the wing useing steam to run the motor wires, I personally have never tried this. I used a piece of 13/32 brass tube and with a file filed teeth on one end of it. use it like a drill pulling it out to remove the bits of foam every 25mm or so. I had no problem running all the motor and servo wires thru. useing the same tube I also bored a hole in each wing inline with the front wing bolts and used a 1/2 inch wood dowl as a wing tube, it really stiffened up the wing.

ILUVRC2 | Проверенный покупатель

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Jun 02, 2012

AX2306N 1300Kv with 18A turnigy speed controls. With supplied props pulls 12Amps each motor. Plane flies 1/4 to 1/3 power 3 to 6Amps, full throttle (24Amps) only needed to get out of trouble. With 2200mAh battery flew 15mins and used 1800mAh. Mount the speed controls inside plane, I first put them in back of the motors and on my maiden flight water got on one of them a burned it up. Also if flying from water you need to ballance the plane laterally.

Manuel | Проверенный покупатель

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May 24, 2012

El modelo me parece extraordinario, lo que lamento mucho es que el material de espuma con que han fabricado el canadair es malo de muy baja calidad, le empujas con el dedo un poco y se queda marcado en la superficie, si estuviera hecho con EPO seria un modelo extraordinario, y a pesar de ser de baja calidad la espuma, tambin las paredes del fuselaje son delgados, no pongo en dudad que su vuelo sea bueno ya que tiene mucha superficie alar y el intrads es curvo, por lo cual deduzco que tendr un vuelo muy estable por eso mi calificacin es baja.
Un saludo

Herbyaespen | Проверенный покупатель

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May 09, 2012

Grossartiges Flugzeug, schnell zusammengebaut, viele Mglichkeiten, eigene Ideen einzubauen (Flaps, Motoren-Upgrade, usw). Fliegt sich fast wie von selbst. Aufgrund des sehr tiefen Eigengewichtes knnen auch grssere Lipos zum Einsatz kommen. Ich fliege sie zur Zeit mit einem Zippy Compact 2700 mAh 3S 35 C Lipo und 7 x 6 3-Blatt-Props. Hier ein Link zum Video des Jungfernfluges:

Benny1966 | Проверенный покупатель

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Apr 28, 2012

Best quality, best kit, best flight characteristic, super nice foamy. Solid, great on water, super easy take off and landing (about 10 flight so far). Scale like flying. Lot's of room inside.
Just be careful to cover the aileron servo against water (included in kit). Shipping was perfect.
I only have super nice comment about it. Can easily fly on 2 cell with suggested motor. Been flying for over 25 years.

DAGBRM | Проверенный покупатель

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Apr 17, 2012

This is one of the nicest flying models I have. Very stable, easy to fly, but able to do tight manouvers when needed. Very short take off, and flys on and off grass with no problems at all. I ran some packaging tape along the bottom to protect it from grass rash. powered by L2210-1650 motors driven by RB30 redbrick esc's. HK15178 10g servos all round. This was a very easy build. I made my own Y lead power cable from the battery to the esc's, glued plywood firewalls for the motors to attach to and cut the top front half off the nacelles to access the esc's. these covers now attach with magnets. SWEET!

Brummie | Проверенный покупатель

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Apr 14, 2012

EXCELLENT!. What more can I say?. Paid the equivelent of 24 sterling, for a superb foamie twin. Seems well thought out. Mine has arrived in perfect condition, and cant wait to start building, but unfortunately, my Hobbyking Clipped Wing Cub arrived first (another bargain), so thats being put together at the moment. I'm not a great lover of foamy models, but I think this CL-415 will change that, if it flies as good as it looks. I will be hand launching this model, and landing on grass, so my set up will be 2 x Emax CF2228 Motors (Counter Rotating) 2 x Mystery 35A ESC's (Way over spec, but had them to hand), Props as supplied with kit, Orange 6Ch RX with Satellite, 4 x Hobbyking 10g Orange Servos, and a 3s 2200 Lipo. RC Groups have a large forum thread, so if you are unsure about buying one of these, go read it!. I Recommend this model most highly, and thats before I've even flown it!.

Franco58 | Проверенный покупатель

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Apr 09, 2012

Hi I am writing from italy.

I bought the Canadair some months ago; but i can fly on the water only last Sunday. The model is very easy and realistic; buy I suggest to reduce (2-3 cm) the water steering rudder because during the take off it put up more resistance. I did it and I had a good result !!

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