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DYS 1306-3100KV BX Серия набор из двух CW / КОО Motors

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DYS 1306-3100KV BX Серия набор из двух CW / КОО Motors


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35,44 A$
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Серия DYS BX моторов являются баланс качества, производительности и цены. Все двигатели BX поставляются с интегрированным один кусок CNC корпус двигателя и опора вала делает для легкий, прочный и компактный дизайн. Двигатели BX прибывают упакованные в виде набора 2-х двигателей, одно вращение CW и одно вращение против часовой стрелки с соответствие гребного винта гайки. Также в комплекте с набором 2 мм разъемы пули и соответствующий крепеж. Мультикоптер двигатель 1306-3100kv идеально подходит для малых 180 ~ 220мм Мультикоптер и 4 ~ 5 дюймов реквизита.

Технические характеристики:
RPM / V: 3100kv
Размеры: 18 × 15 мм
Вал: 2мм главный вал и опора вала 5 мм
Напряжение: 2S ~ 3S (7.4V до 11.1V)
Вес: 13г
Максимальный ток: 8A
ESC: 6amp к 10Amp
Отверстия для крепления двигателя: M2 х 12 мм

В стоимость входит:
2 двигателя 1 CW / CCW 1
2 пропеллера гайки
Пуля conectors 2мм
монтажная арматура

  • Kv ( об / об) 3100.00
  • Max Токи (A) 8.00
  • Сопротивление ( тк ) 0.00
  • Максимальное напряжение (В ) 12.00
  • Вал А ( мм) 5.00
  • Длина В ( мм ) 15.00
  • Диаметр С ( мм ) 18.00
  • Может Длина D (мм ) 6.00
  • Общая длина E (мм ) 26.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10


  • DYS BX Series Motor Set
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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 29, 2016

compact and hight power for 180 size

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 07, 2016

Decent fairly cheap motors for use with smaller quadcopters. Using on 130mm frame currently.

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 15, 2015

worked fine for me. the the threads on the shaft designate direction of rotation so mount them accordingly.

Marcel | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Oct 01, 2015

Used these on a 180mm quad at 3S with AfroESC 12A ultra light /w BEC. Used 4x4.5 Bullnose and GemFan 4045 ABS. I suppose I lucked out, no issues so far after 10-15 batteries. After a longer session, one motor becomes slightly warm but thats it. The CW/CCW threading is slightly confusing at first, but fine thereafter, and Ive used a Sharpie permanent marker to indicate the direction on the CW (grey) nuts to help. I use a 10mm socket to assist in removing the prop nuts / spinners when theyve tightened themselves too much after a prop break. The leads were easy to tin and solder. The included M2x6mm screws worked with my Diatone ET 180, although I filled them down slightly shorter for peace of mind as they we too close to the motor stator windows (you can see them just under the bell looking at the side profile). Remember to use a thread-locker, as the screws can loosen themselves quickly. Ive purchases backup motors, but have not as yet need them. They do seem slightly unbalanced, and certainly dont sound smooth, but for the novel size and nominal price are fine for my needs.

Pavels | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 28, 2015

actually this motors is a trash.very bad bearings.very unbalanced.don't waste your money on this trash

Rubines | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 18, 2015

They have a really nice power but from the 4 motors I bought one gets extreamly hot on my quadrocopter while the others stay cool. Looks like it is defect.

Norwill | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 31, 2015

very bad mor , got 4 sets of this and 4 comes out defective. motos are not balanced and making some grinding noise.

Damion | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 28, 2015

I was really hoping these would be good, sadly my experience has been poor with them.
The first set of 4 I purchased for a 155 frame. One of the motors did not spin true out of the box, it caused some vibration but I didn't want to spend the time to RMA so I used it anyway. This same motor would often not want to start but would spin up after a few tries. Less than one month later I had a fairly tame crash in grass and ended up bending the inner shaft and and prop shaft, very surprised that a impact with grass would do so much damage.
I ordered 2 replacement motors and had another crash the same day as I installed them, resulting in another bent shaft. Even after straightening the shaft the motor no longer runs as I believe the magnets have shifted.
Overall you get what you pay for, and the durability of these has left me looking for something else. | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jun 24, 2015

I bought six of these motors. One went up in smoke during takeoff on the first flight. The motor actually did spin up normally, then it stopped suddenly and sparks came out of the case. Now the windings are totally fried and another $10 are wasted!
I'm absolutely certain there was nothing wrong with my setup. I used the suggested multistar 10a esc v2, a 3s lipo and 4 inch props.

QuadFinger | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 11, 2015

I have these on a HK Thorax Mini Hex. It is rippingly fast and gives 10-12 min on a 2200 Zippy Compact. They are small and fragile...

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