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EDF Shark 850mm 64mm EDF, EPO (ПНФ)

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EDF Shark 850mm 64mm EDF, EPO (ПНФ)


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105,72 A$
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Скорее всего, вы не ожидали увидеть Летающая акула во время траления вокруг вашего любимого сайта RC, и если вы думаете, что-то подозрительное происходит, подумайте еще раз, это новая версия старого любимого теперь сделаны из супер жесткой EPO пена!

Это весело EDF струи легко собрать, блок вентилятора 64мм, ESC и сервоприводы являются все предварительно установлены, под каретку подсоединять устройства, идеально подходит для тех, кто хочет земли живота и огромный зияющий рот позволяет мощный вентилятор проглатывать много о воздуха, то есть есть тонны тяги для 3s модели!

Несмотря на то, строго говоря, не "шкалы", ФРЭ Shark является превосходным исполнителем, быстро, пилотажной и кучи удовольствия, это блестящий спортивный самолет за небольшие деньги, так что если вы представляете себе плетение себе новую забавой летать самолет, смотреть не дальше, чем Челюсти здесь, он не укусит .... много!

Вилки и летать, просто добавьте RX и LiPoly
Простая и быстрая сборка
Потрясающее исполнение
Жесткая конструкция пены EPO
Использует общий 2200mAh 3s LiPoly (не входит в комплект)
Подключите под-перевозки
Оборудование включено

Технические характеристики:
Размах: 850мм
Длина: 1030mm
Полетный вес: 700г
EDF: 64мм с 39L Бесщеточный скороход Motor
ESC: 25A ж / BEC
Сервопривод: 9g х 3

Ваш собственный 4-канальный TX / RX
Батарея 2200mAh 3s LiPoly
Пена-клей безопасен

  • EDF Shark Jet
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chebert | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Feb 12, 2014

The wings and elevator are horrible, I don't see them lasting through one flight much less many, them the control horns are very cheap and will fell, save you money and buy something built better, this is more of a novelty item not a lasting flying plane/shark.

chebert | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Feb 12, 2014

First I find that the wings are very cheap and have a feeling they will fold during a flight, then there is no manual with it to let you know the correct CG, I guess I'll just stick a battery in it and see what happens, the body is one big ball of foam but the tail section and wings have no support and will break very easy.

Berry | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 17, 2014

Very good un requin qui vols trs facile utiliser
trs trs bien super ractif trs surprenant

Berry | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 13, 2014

Le requin volant et trs facile piloter il va super vite et trs impressionnant en vol
j'ai surpris tout le monde quand je les fais vol
pour moi le seul dfaut c'est la roue arrire on ne peut pas la dirig pour dcoller ou aterir
il vaut mieux le lancer la main

Hughesfani | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 27, 2013

Maiden flight today and my first setup was aileron up/down 10mm, elevator 8mm, c/g 100mm behind the wing leading edge very nice and flying weight 895g (2200mAh 3S lipo plus 63,3g added lead). Flying went very well and it was easy to start with this setup. I will modify this plane for night flying too.

coptor | Проверенный покупатель

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Jun 17, 2013

This edf sharks seems to have more than enough power for regular flight and might even do a loop though not a tight one.

First thing to do, I changed out the 25 amp esc and used a 35 amp instead. This should be done if you want the esc to last longer and not quit in flight.

Rear wheel should be reinforced by taping the foam before gluing the rear wheel. Then add a stiff support to the rear of the rear tail fin to prevent it flexing during bad landing.

CG is like everyone said, 11cm from edge but it still feels a bit tail heavy if you're used to slightly nose heavy. It all balances out nicely with 2200ma 3s lipo pushed all the way to the front. Add a lipo buzzer to bring more nose weight too.

During take offs, it tends to pitch up a little, due to huge mouth intake, but once reaching flying speed, it stays level. Good nice floater.

Andrew | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

May 11, 2013

As review below, no instructions supplied with this model, ok assembly is very easy, however some info on C of G location would cost Hobby King nothing and would certainly help customers. As the previous review, I found the so called 24 hr help next to useless, i contacted them on a separate issue, took a week for an answer and when they did, they suggested an item that was out of stock everywhere.

Jeffrey | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 30, 2013

Well built body and lots of thrust with stock setup but awful electronics!

Neat plane, seemed to be flying well for the first few seconds of it's maiden flight until I lost thrust and had to hard land. I opened the access door and smoke poured out, the ESC was on fire!

I was using a 1800mah 3s LiPo...

mike | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 23, 2013

This plane will not even take off using the stock set up! It is very underpowered. The body is built strong as a tank, but all the fins are flimsy, You will need to upgrade the motor before you will be able to gain enough speed to lift off. Hand launching is about impossible as is. No rudder or steerable tail wheel, no instructions, no cg measurements, the elevator push rods are too short if you mount the control horns in the pre drilled areas. Sloppy waste of money. This plane is a novelty:(

Humanzee | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 17, 2013

minus a crown for the terrible packaging! My shark has a big gouge across the nose from the idiotic cardboard edge it rests against inside the box. Just dumb. As an aside, I ordered some lipos with it, they were just thrown in to bounce around inside; not taped down or anything.

Bah. Not quite bad enough to return it. Just a warning to other buyers!

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