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EDF55 с 4300kv двигателя в собранном виде

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EDF55 с 4300kv двигателя в собранном виде


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EDF55 с 4300kv двигателя в собранном виде

Мотор: Бесщеточный скороход 2323

Данные испытаний; @ 7.4V
Ток: 10A
Упорный: 400g +
Мощность: 170W
Вес: 56g
Внутренний диаметр: 56.42mm
Внешний диаметр: 68.54mm
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Riotnuts | Проверенный покупатель

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Feb 11, 2014

lame ass weak motors installed 2 in su-47 powered with 40c 3s lipo with 30 amp esc per motor=all noise, no power, waste of money

JohnStef | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 13, 2013

Did I do something wrong?
Bench testing at full output with a 3s/1800ma/50c bat, amp draw = 25A and ESC temp 140 deg, the fan blew up. There cerainly was NOT any contact with the fan from tools or mounting/fixturing/loose paper in the test area - the blades released from the body. No Joy. Maybe shame on me for buying a "bargain", many others have noted the broken blades and such - I bought because of price and now I have what they have, broken blades.
Is there a replacement fan?

jet planes rock | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 21, 2013

is powerfull for its size and I would recomed to every on

AlexARF | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 11, 2012

cool impeller motor. Included is the terminal for connection to the controller. Pretty good traction, despite the small size of the motor. In general I recommend!

Windenberger | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Feb 03, 2012

Nice but check the centering , if out of center release motor mounting screws and recenter.
Casing bends easy be carefull blades are close to case, do not test it holding it by hand ,hand pressure is to strong and bend the casing then blades touch the wall.

PeterVau | Проверенный покупатель

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Oct 24, 2011

As prior posts mentioned, the blades rubbed at one side of the housing. But just repositioning the motor got the gaps even all the way around - the housing is true/round. After that it is all working fine and seems to be balanced fine too.
I have had many EDF units needing motors repositioned to get the fan truly centered, so that seems a normal thing to need to check.
It will pull 30A off a 3S (just over 300w), as long as the battery has that ability - I had to use a 40c 2200mAH 3S for that test. It gave 25A (250W approx) off a more typical battery (1300 25C 3S) that this fan would have used in the aircraft size you would use it in.

ruppwf | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 30, 2009

Mine arrived with two blades rubbing against internal housing wall !! After shaving the two blades, still is out of balance.

I put it in the edge and buy another brand.

EDF55 with 7780kv Motor Assemb | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 05, 2009

This EDF55 arrived with one blade already broken, only packed in bubble wrap, no box. I decided to try it as a 3 blade by braking off two more blades. I just pushed on them a little and they broke off so easily, no wonder the first one was already broken! Can't comment on performance yet.

A previous reviewer claims he used 3S. That would be over 80,000 rpm! Is that possible?

Appears to be the 2.17inch EDF sold here at HC with a BL motor installed

Webster Phreaky | Проверенный покупатель

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May 02, 2009

Ditto another review, mine arrived with one blade rubbing against internal housing wall !! Where the hell is the QC??? This should have been rejected or repaired at the garage factory in China! Typical Shoddy Chinese manufacturing, this would never happen if made in Taiwan or Japan. VERY disappointed. Even after shaving the one blade, still out of balance. Won't buy another of these brand EDF's.

Wesley Mercado | Проверенный покупатель

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EDF55 with 7780kv Motor Assemb

Apr 30, 2009

Recieved the motor. needed slight adjustments. minor unbalanced and blade strikes. Not really a problem.

Installed into a foamie park jet.

Tower Pro 25A esc and 3s li-po.

Worked ok. didn't really deliver the thrust I was expecting for such a high RPM.

I will have to try it in a lighter jet.

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