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Стекловолокно RC яхты Парусник Гром 1000мм (ARR)

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Стекловолокно RC яхты Парусник Гром 1000мм (ARR)


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RC Бот-Гром
Красиво обработанный R / C парусная лодка, полностью построен и почти готов к запуску.
Все необходимые элементы установлены, в том числе грота лебедки, усилитель руля и все такелаж, паруса и аппаратного обеспечения. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это добавить свой собственный 2CH или больше радио системы и аккумулятора!
Лодка Корпус полностью основана на океанских гоночных яхт и фасонные из стекловолокна с совершенным гелькоут и эмали краской.
Не ошибаетесь, думая, эти лодки медленно и скучно. В сильный ветер, они могут быть очень быстро и выполнять повороты быстро, оказывается очень интересной.
Длина: 1000мм
Высота: 1890mm
Вес: 1,4кг
Площадь парусов: 0.4m2
Вес Балласт: 1,2кг
Проект от ватерлинии до нижней части киля: 350мм
Rig Высота от палубы до верхней части мачты: 1400мм
2CH или более передатчик и приемник
4.8 ~ 6.0V батарея приемника
Примечание: Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы заполните киль балласт или тяжелее 1,2 кг. Дробью, подшипники или болты / гайки будет достаточно. Держать их на месте с помощью эпоксидной смолы.
  • Phil Upton
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Bob | Проверенный покупатель

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Thunder Sailboat, a fine way to start.

Jan 05, 2019

Very nice boat and sails fine. Be aware that the recommended 1.2kg. ballast in the black bulb/case is not enough for 3-4 bft. wind. you need to fill it up min.up 1.5kg. And I even filled it up with little lead balls (2-3mm diameter) up 1.7kg untill it was full. I also build in a little brushless motor and shaft for folding propeller in case the wind suddenly drops. Pitty that Hobbyking does not sell the folding (Graupner) prop nor the little lead balls which is expensive 10 euro per kg.. Very nice boat for this price!. Regards, Bob.

Joao | Проверенный покупатель

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Best first sail boat.

Dec 28, 2018

I got this boat last year and still sailing very well.
Recommended for those looking for his first big sail boat.
The cover will probably need some moding to avoid water to get in and the sails adjusters sometimes get lose (this last one was improved on the Phantom which is the same boat as this one except for the colors)
So overall, very nice quality for price. Totally recommended!

Bob | Проверенный покупатель

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Thunder Sailboat

Sep 17, 2018

Great boat for its money! I upgraded this sailboat with a small 2830 brushless Motor and with 2mm. shaft with small 30mm propeller with ESC which also has reverse. Now I am sailing with 3S 3000mAh battery lasting 3 - 4 hours of sailing. Filled the bulb/Lamp it is called on this site with 1425 gram 2mm. lead balls. Which you cannot buy on HK.. Don't use steel balls because the bulb only has 260cc volume and with steel balls you never hit at least 1.3kg.. If you sail with windforce 3-4 on open water, don't forget to tape off the deck. Otherwise it will take in water from the top because of the waves. I drilled a hole in the front of the deck (which can be closed of course) in order the get the water out easy. This is my first sailing boat and this is a great one to start with!!

Paultheotherone | Проверенный покупатель

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Needed repairing out of the box

Feb 15, 2018

As a previous reviewer has stated the servo mounting bracket had come away from the hull so I had to bond this back into place. Not a bad model for the price.

Soomin | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 09, 2015

This is beautiful yacht.

Geoffrey | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jun 12, 2014

i got this boat yesterday.
and i emedeatly started building it.
the only downside i found was that they have put way to much bubblewrap insde the hull to secure the components , and wits pulling it out the mounts of the board brook off, but i glued it back and it is good as new.
the build quality is amazing for the price you pay .
and i had it ready to go in just one night of building.
the only thing i have to do is get some lead to put in the keel and than i am going to test it tommorow.
and a friend of mine bought the ocean star , but this one has a way better hatch to keep the water out of the hul.
overall i am verry happy with this boat.

tov.Lenin | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Sep 13, 2013

I like this sail boat. Nice product. Super for Russian lakes and rivers.
Hi Kirov in Russia!!

Файлы клиентов
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Thunder with extra large light wind Sail. mast 2m. tall/high Download [1]
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