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H-King AXN (PNF) Floater Jet 1280mm (50.4")

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H-King AXN (PNF) Floater Jet 1280mm (50.4")


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89,63 $
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1 year warranty
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Описание товара:
Идеальный выбор как для начинающих, так и для опытных моделистов.
Соотношение цена/качествво AXN Floater трудно переоценить. С этой моделью можно наслаждаться скоростью или парить в облаках даже на малом газу.

Обладая электродвигателем с высоким KV и идеально подобранным воздушным винтом, силовая установка спроектирована для продолжительного времени полета. Модель имеет отличный внешний вид, поверхность модели исключительно гладкая, почти глянцевая, что позволяет достичь меньшего воздушного сопротивления. В добавок к отличному летному качеству модели, она способна выполнять простые аэробатические маневры. Специфичный дизайн крыльев предотвращает сваливание на крыло, что особенно важно для начинающих пилотов.

• Plug and Fly – для полной готовности требуются приемник и аккумулятор
• Модель выполнена из высокопрочного EPO пенопласта
• Модель несложна в управлении и пригодня для начального обучения пилотированию
• Легкодоступные полости с крышками в фюзеляже для быстрой смены аккумуляторов
• Модель проста и удобна в сборке.

Спецификация товара.
Размах крыльев: 1280мм
Длина фюзеляжа: 830мм
Мотор: 2212 2200KV 3S Outrunner
Пропеллер: 5x5 дюйма, двухлопастной
ESC: 20A
Сервомашинки: 4 x 9 граммов

Требуется к комплекту:
Передатчик и приемник минимум 4 канала
Аккумулятор 1800~2200mAh 3S LiPo

  • Размах (мм ) 1280.00
  • Length(mm) 830.00
  • H-King AXN Floater Jet - HobbyKing Super Daily
  • Setting the ESC Brake
  • AXN. Low, slow (and INVERTED)
  • AXN Floater at Farellones, Chile. Sunset session.
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KENNETH | Проверенный покупатель

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May 05, 2021

This is a good electric glider. However, if you require a replacement motor it cannot be supplied other than under warranty if defective.
I have just received this information from Rob in Product Support.
Please note that the existing motor is manufactured integral with the plastic motor mount so since it is not available for purchase as a replacement part as Rob says, you will have to completely modify the motor mount with all the problems associated with ensuring the correct thrust lines.
This is a backward step HK.!! Poor after sales service.
The old AXN was available as a kit and PNF and the motor was fairly easily replaced by removing and replacing two set screws.
Please add the existing motor and mount as a spare part.

Richard | Проверенный покупатель

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I like the changes in this, mostly.

Apr 21, 2021

I flew a number of the older AXN's over several years. They flew well and were easy to fly. I bought the new one and then it sat as we remodeled the house. I put it together last month and finally was able to get it up to test. The New motor is an improvement. It has a higher climb rate then the 2208-2150 of the old. It was faster to assemble and easier to set up. The new instructions are better. The one thing missing is how to set the motor brake for a better glide. The old one had the motor brake set on. The ESC model is not mentioned so this information can be looked up easily.
It is very similar to the old ones. The Battery compartment still has a tendency to collapse back on modest impacts and there is no real good options for mounting a battery strap. The shorter servo arms make it a bit more critical to get everything set correctly. But the arms being to the outside means no more worries about the battery being punctured by the pushrods.
I decided to address the Battery mount by drawing up and 3D printed a Battery box insert that hot glues in after trimming some foam away. This really stiffened up the cockpit and the Battery is solidly mounted. After a modest, failed hand launch, impact, it did not shorten the cockpit area at all and the Battery did not move. Too bad this is not added from the factory to improve the kit.

ed | Проверенный покупатель

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Good trainer

Apr 16, 2021

A very good trainer plane. Could be great with a better esc. I own 2, one esc was bad. The control surfaces MUST be flexed to loosen them up, or better yet cut them free and rehinge themwith tape or ca hinges or a thin layer of hot glue.
Glue the wing in place after the interlocking wing parts loosen up.
This plane soars well in a thermal. I've flown it 55 minutes on one battery, soared for 20 minutes with the motor OFF! It's cheap, flies slow and fast, is fairly aerobatic, and has good power. Do balance your props. All the props I got were not well balanced.

Sky Pilot Steve | Проверенный покупатель

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Looks okay time will tell

Feb 25, 2021

It's unfortunate that I have not been able to fly this plane yet. I have it put together but old man winter is not being kind enough to let me out to play with my toys. Quality seems okay but as my title says...Time will tell...My ratings are based solely on out of the box appearance and ease of assembly.

bisco | Проверенный покупатель

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nice airplane

Feb 06, 2021

went together nicely, flies well. you need to keep the speed up to keep it from stalling.
biggest issue is that there are no parts available if you crash, which i did. been sitting on the shelf for some time now.

banz | Проверенный покупатель

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Not easy to fly

Feb 01, 2021

Different from the popular idea, I think this plane is very difficult to fly. The turning characteristics are very strange. It feels like controlling a sheet of paper floating in the air. As mentioned by others, the motor is very weak. It easily gets blown away even in wind <15km/h. The ESC plugs were not secured by heatshrink tubings. Once they disconnect after a crash, there's no way to plug them back unless you cut the fuselage open. The construction quality is not high. Purely foam no plywood support etc. Get something else.

Coolness | Проверенный покупатель

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One of the three motor plugs were not plugged in.

Dec 27, 2020

I had to plug one of the three motor plugs in and it was almost impossible to get to, I had to burn an extra hole in the body of the plane to reach the plug. Other than that for the price of the plane it is an amazing plane to fly.

spizg | Проверенный покупатель

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motor is very under powerd

Nov 29, 2020

poor quality servos. weak motor and servos. Not for beginners
very difficult to balance. Very Unhappy.

Нет | Проверенный покупатель

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received damaged

Nov 29, 2020

Received in damaged condition & ESC bad

JB | Проверенный покупатель

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Love it

Oct 03, 2020

I've been flying this for a couple months now. First time ever flying a 4 channel plane (I'm a newbie). I got this on sale for $64 and it was a fantastic buy. I've crashed it badly 5 times now, and each time it was easily repairable. Easy to learn, and although the pusher prop gives worse performance than a standard tractor prop, the fact that the prop is in the back means is safe even in bad crashes. Highly, highly recommend if you are a beginner like me.
Things to know: 1) be careful hand launching with full power. Throw the plane up at a 45 degree angle. Because the thrust line is well above the fuselage, the plane has a tendency to nose down, and you want to have time to recover from that. 2) The ESC connection to the motor is buried deep in the fuselage, and you can't access it without cutting the fuselage open and using needle nose pliers. This is a pain because if you nose into the ground, there is a good chance that you will disconnect the ESC from the motor, and then you're in for doing major surgery on the plane. This is my one complaint with the design of the plane.
Dumb (fun) stuff I've tried: 1) I added some servos under the wings and made bomb release hardpoints. Now I can fly with and drop little foam footballs, which is a lot of fun. If you do something like this, you can drop almost anything you want so long as your projectiles aren't too heavy. 2) While I am in no way skilled, the plane is at least capable of some light aerobatics. I've done wingovers, inverted flight, stalls, loops, barrel rolls, and spirals all while being a relatively incompetent pilot. So long as you have enough altitude, the plane will recover itself from any situation you put it in. 3) I strapped a GoPro 8 to the top of the plane and it flew okay and gave me some good footage. With that much weight though, it does fly very fast compared to normal flying, and the plane will stall at much faster speeds. Landing is a challenge if you put a lot of weight on the plane. 4) If you have short grass, the plane will do a ground takeoff by just sliding along the grass on it's belly until it gets up enough speed to take off. Fun trick, benefits of the pusher prop.
All in all, crazy fun plane for a beginner. Highly recommend.

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