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Hobbyking Mini Quadcopter Рама с Motors (550мм)

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Hobbyking Mini Quadcopter Рама с Motors (550мм)


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Рама HobbyKing Mini Quadcopter является недорогой платформой для Quadcopter экспериментов. Построенный из облегченной жесткой фанеры еще предлагает большое сочетание снижения веса и прочности. Поставляется в плоской форме упаковки, чтобы сэкономить на почтовые расходы, а также с нашей полной линейкой доступных четырехкресельных электроники, таких как Quadcopter плате управления, ESC и батареи, она никогда не была проще и доступнее, чтобы получить четырехъядерный в воздухе!

Включенные двигатели изготовлены из полиамидного материала, что делает их чрезвычайно легкий, прочный и недорогой. Встроенные -Декоратор заставки поможет защитить ваши пропеллеры в случае незапланированных "посадок". Все, что вам потребуется 4 х 12amp ЭСК, батарея 1500mAh ~ 2200mAh 7.4V 2S LiPoly, 4 х 7035 реквизита (2 станд & 2 счетчика вращающееся) а 4ch приемник и все важные платы управления HobbyKing Quad.

Рамка Технические характеристики:
Высота: 50 мм
Ширина: 550мм
Отверстия под болты: 12/16 / 30мм
Вес: 115г (деревянная рама только ж / нет электроники)

ESC: 4 х 12А
Батарея: 1500mAh ~ 1800mAh 7.4V 2S
Радио: 4 - канальный
Совет управления: HobbyKing комитет по контролю над Quadcopter

Моторные функции:
Обороты / V: 2200kv
Напряжение: 7.4V (2с)
ESC: 12A
Вес: 22g
Похожие Опора: 7035

Данные двигателя Тест:
7035 7.4V 8.1A 59.9W 11460RPM 324g
7035 8.0V 8.6а 68.8W 12060RPM 352G
7035 8.4V 9.1a 76.4W 12360RPM 376G

  • Hobbyking Mini Quadcopter Frame with Motors
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| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 29, 2013

excelente y muy liviano aun con los motores que proveen empuje suficiente

Selim | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 02, 2013

Kit is very durable then it looks. I've made a landing skid and protectors to arms with carbon rods. Works very well.

But 1 motor failed during flight. Motors not that efficent, but cheap anyway. Better motors with this kit will be perfect

Steve | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 22, 2012

I'm not sure if there is a wiring problem like the other reviewer mentioned. But I can be sure that 3 of my 4 motors failed. Now they run at 1/2 speed compared to the 4th good motor. The electric power is instead used to make them hot. When I took one apart I am certain 3 of the 10 tiny magnets are demagnetized completely. The heat is a symptom of the degmagnetized motor. But it could also be a cause of it? Not sure which came first. Certainly the motor will not run fast with 3 bad magnets. This happened within 30 days of my purchase.......................... HobbyKing will you help me?

RAFA.ST14 | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 23, 2012

motores mala calidad 2 motores rozan la campana estructura blanda no merece la pena comprar este kit barato pero motores muy mala calidad

IBeHoey | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 10, 2012

Shame, shame, shame on you HK. Just because I didn't give a positive review, you remove my review all together? Also, customer service is apart of the buying experience and should be including in a review.

As for the review, 3 of the 4 motors I received were bad, I've read it's common that some of the motors show up and the can will rub. Be forewarned, if you receive a defective motor, or 3, it's a very timely delay and was told via Live Support you'd be better off taking a refund and ordering a new kit. :/

I say this not to flame HK but to inform others that if something shows up defective that they can expect a lengthily delay.

I.Ralenekov | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 16, 2012

The frame is a bit fragile but it is a good starting point for a quad and it is also very, very light. I glued mine with CA. It can be sprayed with varnish in order to stiffen the wood. 2 of 4 motors came unusable but the stator can be filed just a little bit in order to work out. Cannot comment about balance yet... I will try 8x4 props as well, because the 7x3.5 ones from hobbyking just ain't good enough. I wouldn't recommend the kit to somebody who expects it to work just right-of-the-box. 3 stars for the price.

Ramachandran | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

May 02, 2012

If you are serious about getting into quads give this one a miss - it is not worth the money.

I put together this one with the stock motors. In one word these motors are "BAD" . Of the four motors three are badly out of balance and being to wobble badly at about half throttle i.e. using the recommended 7x3.5 props. 'And yes I took time and effort to balance each of the fours props. Even with the props removed when the the motors are spun up, the frame beings to hum and vibrate badly (it even starts wandering when placed on a smooth top table).

Further, the rigidity of the frame is poor. If one isn't careful in balancing the motor / prop combination the frame can get into severe vibration (resonance) and the controller board (I used the HK Quad controller board) gyro outputs become badly corrupted due to this i.e. the controller board becomes pretty useless once resonance sets in.

I used the HK SS 15-18 Amp ESCs along with a Trunigy Nano-tech 1800 mAH 2 cell battery and the HK quad controller board (Version 1).

I could do a few flights but gave up as it was very difficult to control the quad - basically BAD motors.

BTW, I also purchased the Turnigy micro quad kit with PLUSH 6 Amps ESCs, 2 cell 850 mAH nano-tech battery, 5x3 props and with the same HK Quad controller board (Ver 1) - the set up flew like a breeze.

I have ordered the Talon frame and 28 size motors - will w

__HaKK | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 23, 2012

Not the best quality, but a quick and cheap way to get you in the air. Check your motors, one of mine rubbed against the bell.

Jose Manuel | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 18, 2012

Es un buen producto para iniciarse en el mundo de los QuadCopter.

Fcil de montar y reparar.

Bien ajustado y calibrado vuela con facilidad.

No es muy resistente, intenten evitar darle golpes.
Siempre que sea posible volar sin viento y sobre terreno blando. Por ejemplo cesped, grava o arena de playa.

Mucho cuidado con el viento

Recomiendo HobbyKing Multi-Rotor Control Board V3.0 con Firmware de KK MultiCopter

La configuracin XCopter es ms estable

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