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двигатель JC30 EVO Газ ж / 30cc CD-Зажигание / 4hp @ 9,000rpm

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двигатель JC30 EVO Газ ж / 30cc CD-Зажигание / 4hp @ 9,000rpm


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Двигатель JC30 EVO Газ ж / CD-Зажигание 30cc / 4hp @ 9,000rpm, красиво сделано, хорошее качество и мощный бензиновый двигатель в комплекте с принадлежностями, зажигания, инструкции, монтажный шаблон & гарантийный талон.

• одноцилиндровый 2 тактный с воздушным охлаждением
• Walbro диафрагма карбюратор с ручным дросселем
• Электронное зажигание
• Компактный размер
• монтируемые сзади карбюратор
• Легкий, 1130g с зажиганием и глушителем

Технические характеристики:
Поршень объем двигателя: 30cc
Диаметр цилиндра / ход поршня: 36x30mm
Максимальная мощность: 4HP @ 9,000RPM
RPM: 1300 ~ 9000
Вес: 1130g включая зажигание и глушитель
Электронное зажигание: CDI
Свеча зажигания: CM-6 стиль
Карбюратор: Walbro диафрагма с ручным дросселем
Длина: 160мм от стенда , чтобы поддержать босса
Стенд Off: 85mm
Высота: 125мм от центра коленчатого вала до верхней пробки
Монтажные отверстия: 68x54mm
Опора Диапазон: 17x8 ~ 20X6

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Sptfir | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 08, 2014

I have 3 of these engines flying an am impressed with how nicely finished they are. Mine installed with no problems and I went ahead and set the needles at a turn and a half each for initial start. Cranked with electric starter to get fuel to engine and they fired right up. Ran most of a tank thru with a 30:1 mixture then tuned the needles again for smooth idle and max RPM. Have many flights of one and several on the others all without any complaints. I'm using an 18-6 wood prop getting around 8400 rpm with steady running Still keeping 30:1 mixture (oil for air cooled engines only, not outboard oil). RPM should increase in time as it wears in more, but plenty of power as is. I really like these engines and have purchased two more for pending aircraft projects.

concon | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jun 24, 2014

ricevuto oggi jc30 evo con dhl in italia ,aperta scatola integra, manca centralina ignizione, candela, 2 bulloni fissaggio motore,proteggi cavo in teflon,e squadretta carburatore,scritto ha hobbyking,vediamo che succede, successo anche a mio amico ????????per altri prodotti manca materiale ?????

Sptfir | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 22, 2014

I have several of these engines now. All start and run superbly producing lots of power. Machine work is awesome compared to others. Ran in initially with one tank of fuel which was enough to get it to accelerate/idle down smoothly, then rest of break-in is done in the air. Using 18-8 and 18-10 Turnigy wood props for the most part. Couldn't be happier with these engines. Only concern is HK doesn't seem to carry any parts (haven't needed any so far). Hope that gets resolved shortly.

HAPET | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 01, 2014

Good engine,im using for my sbach 30cc with eme silencer.turns 18x8 propeller at 8000 rpm,idles non stop at 1600rpm,with ordinary muffeler which comes with the engine,turns 18x8 wood propeller 8200rpm

kekelala | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Mar 07, 2014

Very beautiful looking engine with its "chrome" look. I plant this on my Great Planes Giant Supersportster. Tried tuning and running last night at my workshop, very much louder than my RCG15 and 20cc engines.

Packs loads of power churning 18x8 Master Airscrew propeller. I did not take the RPM reading from the meter but all tuned by ears (i have plenty of gasser experiences).

So based on the recommended setting as per manual, idling was between 1550 to 1650 and the max RPM was above 8500. On the first run, sudden full throttle from idle and vice versa would cause engine to stall. But after 600cc of petrol, no more such issue.

I read 'poor' reviews about this engine that the mid-range is hard to tune, but I lucky as I do not experience that with this piece.

This is a big engine, so it is forgiving. You need to treat it gentle on the tuning unlike smaller counterparts. After running another 600cc of petrol, I will fly to run it in further.

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 29, 2014

love JC30 EVO Gas engine w/CD-Ignition 30cc/4hp @ 9,000rpm

du2fly | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Nov 06, 2013

this is a very well designed and built motor. have got it in a 2.4m w/s cessna type plane with a 19x7 prop. i would buy another jc motor before i would buy a DLE. very pleased and instuctions if you need them are written in verg good understanding english. top marks to HK

Lonny | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Oct 20, 2013

I think this is the smoothest running gas engine I've ever run. Quick transition and responsive. The added bonus is the great machine work . Very impressed with this engine. Installed on a 70" Sukhoi.

EROSFLY | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 10, 2013

Muito bom este motor, bem acabado e com ignio RxCel. Peas sao de boa qualidade e um bom visual.

sefefra | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 22, 2013

lo puse en marcha y arranco enseguida pero desp de ablandarlo 2 horas en el banco se rompio una pata de soporte esta muy alivianado REPUESTOS HOBBYKING!!!!!!!!

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