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Me 163 Komet - Ultra High Performance Масштаб модели 900мм (ПНФ)

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Me 163 Komet - Ultra High Performance Масштаб модели 900мм (ПНФ)


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Me 163 был первым в мире и только с ракетным двигателем истребитель, он предложил работу, которая была полностью неслыханное в 1940-е годы, достигая максимальной скорости записывается 698mph во время тестирования. Комет также была неслыханная скорость набора высоты, он был разработан в качестве быстрого перехватчика реагирования и смог подняться на 39,000ft за 3 минуты, но было только топливо на несколько проходов с его 30мм Пушки перед Me 163 стал планера решений его уязвимым для атак союзников Fighters. Это поистине удивительное и новаторская самолета может быть очень опасно летать, хотя большинство несчастных случаев были связаны с летучего ракетного топлива и взлета / посадки аварий. Несмотря на то, что можно рассматривать как отказ в оперативном плане, Ме 163 был поистине удивительный самолет, немного удивительно, что так много поклонников!

Это великолепно подробный Комет сделан из супер жесткой пены EPO и требует мало сборки, сервопривода, мощный бесколлекторный Inrunner двигатель и ESC все предварительно установлены, в результате чего вы просто приклеить на крыльях и киле, взимать батарею и летать! Шкала деталь просто блестящая, с он специально разработан вертушка, панели линий и широких масштабах отличительные знаки, это действительно выглядит часть. Схема краски также отлично подходит для ориентации и учитывая очень высокая производительность Комет, она должна быть! Другие функции включают в себя CF повторно nforced крылышки / элероны и пластмассовую посадки занос.

Как и полная самолета размер, это Me 163 предлагает действительно умопомрачительным производительность, мощный Бесщеточный двигатель имеет 1кВт мощности на предложение, неслыханное в пробке и летать проп приводом модель пены, особенно масштабную модель пены! С его ультра-высокий уровень детализации масштаба, широкий диапазоне режимов полета и экстремальной производительности, Ме 163 является обязательным для масштабных вентиляторов и скорость уродов!

Вилки и летать, просто требует RX и LiPoly!
Высокий уровень шкалы Деталь
Ультра Модель High Performance
Окрашенная, Таблички Pre-Прикладное
CF Повторно Насильственные Wing & Элерон-х
Большой Навес для легкого доступа к батарее
Пластиковые Посадка Skid
Жесткая EPO пены Строительство

Технические характеристики:
Размах: 900мм
Длина: 600мм
Площадь крыла: 12.2dm2
Нагрузка на крыло: 65г / дм2
Полетный вес: 770g ~ 800g
ESC: 80A ж / BEC
Двигатель: 2850 3500kv Brushless Inrunner
Сервопривод: 9g х 3

Ваш собственный 4-канальный TX / RX с ЭЛЕВОН Смешивание
2200mAh 4с LiPoly батареи (мин 30с Рейтинг)

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chris | Проверенный покупатель

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Jan 24, 2013

Hi all
There are number of things you need to do before flying this lovely little beast!!!
You must fit a carbon rod through the wings or they will snap off mid fight
Hinge all surfaces
In large air intake to stop speedy over heating and stopping
Make sure there is 8 to 9 mm of reflex at all times or it will fly into the ground every time
Place a couple more magnets in the front of canopy to stop it coming off mid flight
Make sure cg is at 8 to 9 cm from LE there are to little bump in the foam on the under side

I am running a 3600 kv out runner on a 2200 3 cell and it is so fast the it crazy and yet very stable plus this set up is much light than the stock set up
Once you get this beast shorted its great fun to fly
I hope this helps

david | Проверенный покупатель

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Nov 16, 2012

It's astounding how fast this thing really is and how well it rolls and tracks. They say you get what you pay for but in this case I think you may come out on top at least by a little bit. There are problems and lots of them. As usual the manual is buried in the files section and of course there are 2 CG's. The one in the manual is so far off its not funny. Once again as usual per HK you need to read the forums for every single plane you buy and learn from others mistakes and disasters. I will never understand this mentality on HK's part but no one forces any of us to buy from them. There is barely enough space for the recommended battery and the CG is of course super sensitive so mark it well and fasten that battery well. Tighten the spinner and prop nuts or they will come loose for sure. Add 8 mm of reflex up and then cut it down when flying and re dial it in when landing. There is a learning curve with this one that probably will exceed the life span of the plane. I bought 2 right off for this reason and the again typical out of stock situations so common at HK. As long as you ignore the directions on CG and read the forums and do all of the above you should have a decent chance of your surviving enough to have fun and justify the expenditure. One caveat: don't fly this around turbines, they hate when you blow by them with a $100 foamie!

Nic | Проверенный покупатель

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Sep 14, 2012

I love this model, its cheap and it performs great, follow the manual and you wont have problems! Be sure to tape all the hinged control surfaces, with fibre tape, this will prevent any tearing at the insane speed this model achieves! Flys on rails and a real crowd pleaser. Thanks Hobbyking you guys deliver!

dave0955 | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 26, 2012

Ok, great little Komet. Flies like my much larger faster (177.7 MPH) Nitro version (OS 77VX with tuned pipe, 10x10 APC).

Setup was the same as larger variant, you need reflex in the elevons or it will screw itself into the ground. CG is critical, 80mm from leading edge at the fuse.

The downside, non sufficient cooling. Easily rectified with a dremel and a drill press for the spinner.
The stock in-runner is garbage so that's why the low marks on quality,value and overall rating. Cant even get a replacement stock in-runner!
Mine died on 2nd flight. Hobby King credited me 20.00 towards a new Komet, however, there's nothing wrong with my existing Komet except the crap in-runner and no available stock replacement.
I've dropped in an old in-runner from a Parkzone F-27c until the arrival of the Great Planes GPMG 5220 inrunner.

metalguy | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 21, 2012

I got mine, and the first thing I did was remove the VERY heavy powertrain. I replaced it with an 1800kvh 28mm outrunner, and 20 amp ESC, and with 8-6 APC prop, this thing is a fantastic flier on 3s. I utilize as small as a 500mAh battery, up to an 1800mAh battery, and it handles them all with ease. I will echo the others in saying that all hinge surfaces should be re-hinged, as the foam hinges just will not hold up. I used some pinned hinges, and just CA'd them in. No problems. This plane is tough, too. I lost orientation, and full throttled it into the cement ground, and side of a building, and had it flying by next day easily. Only problem I can see, is lack of parts, and no kit! I would buy three kits if they were offered, and perhaps 10 canopies. As is, I will keep flying it as is, and purchase another for sure. Only downgrade on rating was the damage in shipping to the tail, as the rudder was separated on arrival.

flemming | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 14, 2012

This plain flies incredibly well and fast, engine blie very warm has designed 4 new vent holes at the engine so that now all is well not sow hot eny moor here you have much fun :)

Ian | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 06, 2012

well I found mine works best on 3s 2200mah 45-90c nano and an APC 4.7X4.2 electric prop smoother than the black prop and endless vertical the stats are 31500 rpm !! only 58 amps full throttle 5-8 min flights 100 mph .I fly most of the time 1/3 to 2/3 throttle because she gets small real quick. I've also repainted mine its in the video file above (orange tab).

Krunchi | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 24, 2012

Stock set up flys awesome! Be sure to set some reflex and get your CG right. Even on fast 4s 2200mah set up it comes in nice for landing see my video of its 2nd flight stock setup on 4s 2200mah nano tech.

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 19, 2012

good design, good finish but no manual no instruction etc available

Snake92 | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 19, 2012

When I got the plane in the box the rudder was completely torn off but I used hinges and stuck it back on with some 5 minute epoxy. I didn't think much of it because things happen in shipping that cannot be controlled by the manufacturer. I only wished I had done the same for the ailerons. On my fifth flight I came by screaming past for a low pass and my left aileron ripped along the seam and my plane spun out of control into the ground. I would strongly recommend that when you buy this plane that you cut out all of the control surfaces and glue them back on with hinges.

The good news is that this plane is awesome!!!! It is sooooo fast on 4S. At full throttle it easily flies at about 100mph. It is not for the slight of heart. If you are new to flying wings you may make the mistake of setting ailerons level with the wing like a normal plane. DO NOT DO THAT!!!!! It will dive into the ground when you launch it. The plane has to be set up and flown with the two ailerons deflected upwards about 7mm - 9mm from the edge of the wing. When you pull back on the stick (to make it climb) it deflects further upward. To make it dive the ailerons will deflect downwards. That in my opinion is the reason why the ailerons came off in flight ie large deflection, lots of movement and large wind forces action on the edge of the controls.

I am away on business right now but when I

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