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NAMC YS-11 Твин турбовинтового Стекловолокно Kit

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NAMC YS-11 Твин турбовинтового Стекловолокно Kit


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69,85 $
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Только успешно manufacturerd коммерческий авиалайнер в Японии. YS-11 было произведено около Второй Мировой войны Mitsubishi Heavy Ind. И Fuji Heavy Ind.
Теперь вы можете иметь свой собственный кусок гордой японской истории с вашим собственным YS-11.
Построенный из стеклоткани, лазерной резки слоя и бальзы и требуя двух 28 OutRunners серии 1,600kv или больше.
Это очень уникальная модель, которую вы обычно не увидите в местном клубе. Не забывайте использовать японский акцент, когда описания модели к другим, руление или посадки эту модель.
Модель включает в себя шасси и все оборудование.

Размах крыла: 1200мм
Длина: 965mm
Площадь крыла: 18dm2
Модель Вес: 1300g
Сервопривод: 5 х 9g (не входит в комплект)
Двигатель: 2 х 26 ~ 28 серия Бесщеточный скороход 1600Kv или выше (не входит в комплект)
ESC: 2 х 30A (не входит в комплект)


Ваш собственный TX и RX
2 х 26 ~ 28 безщеточный
2 х 30А
Аккумулятор (О 2200mAh)

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Lucas | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Mar 23, 2014

I just recived mine, it looks really good and it is very light. But what really annoyed me was that it came without decals/building manual, so now I have like a big white tube with wings :(

andrew | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Dec 03, 2012

This is a fantastic looking aeroplane! and providing you use the following set up than you can't go wrong!

I purchased the turnigy 2826-10 1400kv engines for this and the
turnigy trust 55amp speed controllers. These are just the perfect
set up for this plane as I get 5 minutes flying on a turnigy 3cell 2200
mah battery. The battery even stays cool!

The ys-11 can fly comfortably at half power in a light breeze or 65pcnt if the breeze gets up a little!

The main undercarrige wire you will have to shorten a little! as it sits high with its nose down!
I would also use slightly larger wheels on the mains to help it take off quicker in which I did this and has made a great deal of difference!

on a short mowed flying field it will get off on full throttle in about 15 - 20 metres! Yes it is true as it gets off quite quickly at my local flying field

Next project is my hobbyking fokker f-27 with the same set up!
Can't wait to see her go!

kchen | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 27, 2012

Just ordered mine yesterday, wait for arrival, my colleagye has one, very very beautiful, but I'm afraid this plan is pretty heavy for 1200mm wine span

Blue2bits | Проверенный покупатель

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Oct 09, 2012

quality great but missing decals , i bought it direct from hobbyking through ebay, here is customer service for you!! not great

You are now chatting with : Cheryl (Customer Service)
Cheryl: Thank you for contacting the HobbyKing Support Team. How may I help you?
You: hello cheryl, i have some parts missing from my order no. 2005187433
You: the instructions are missing ( i can manage without these if need be) but the decal/sticker sheet is also missing, as this is beautiful scale aircraft the stickers make all the difference, the actual plane parts appear to all be present
You: hello? are you there
Cheryl: For the manual, please kindly find this link:

You: thats cool, thanks, any suggestions for the stickers
Cheryl: For the sticker, please kindly contact your e-bay seller, since I am sorry that, this order was made with e-bay. We are unable to help warranty issue for e-bay customers directly.
You: even though it came direct from yourself? thats very poor
You: We take our customers membership very seriously, and as a platinum member you will be given the best service possible with prioritisation in support issues and warranty claims.
Platinum members can also enjoy the very best pricing from our store and receive exclusive discount emails.
As a Platinum member we value you as a customer greatly and will

JOHN .R. | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Sep 11, 2012

To all you people who have purchased this model please check the fuselage moulding on the starboard side where the wing joins the fuselage.Itis not Parralell with the port side causing the starboard prop to hit the fuse while the port sid has about 12 mill clearance. regards JOHN.R.

Клиент | Проверенный покупатель

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Sep 04, 2012

Hi, just ordered this kit, I'm looking to carry out a nitro conversion and fit retracts, has anybody any advice or actually successfully carried out this conversion

Walou | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 15, 2012

So has anyone actually got one of these in the air ?
I spent weeks building mine , with retracts and it looked supurb. But on its maiden flight it fell out of the sky after flying for a few seconds. Illput it down to pilot error, It torque rolled ( i had both props spinning in the same direction), and tip stalled after i took off to steeply with not enough airspeed. I was too eager to get to a 'safe altitude' .
It seems to have a relatively small wing area, so you will need to keep it at a fair clip of speed.
I'd like to hear of at least one success story ...... Anyone ?

Ronald | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 30, 2012

Received mine today and I must say this is a very nice ARF. Good fiberglass work and paint. Instructions must be down loaded and are fair if you have a few ARFs under your belt or have been a kit builder. I would recommend it.

luis otavio | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 18, 2012

Avio muito bonito, os colegas de pista gostam de v lo voando. preciso ter ateno em baixa velocidade e nos pousos por que ele estola de ponta de asa facilmente. No geral ele voa muito bem, um voo escala e admirvel. Usei 2 RC TIME 1534kv, esc de 25/30A e lipo 3s 20c de 3000mah, necessrio para corrigir o cg, autonomia de 5min. de voo. No cabe hlice maior que 7" pois pega na fuselagem, mas voa bem com hl 7x6 e no veio nenhuma informao ou manual para montagem, mas fcil de montar por ter poucas peas. No geral, gostei do avio, bonito e estvel.

JOHN .R. | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jun 16, 2012

I have recieved my kit and wanted to let the chap who cant find motors for it . I am fitting a pair of 28-40.-1800kv in mine and i will let you know the results. Itwill be on 4cells. Regards john. r.

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