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Нос Art - "Мисс Молли" (L / R на сторону)

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Нос Art - "Мисс Молли" (L / R на сторону)


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Нос Art - "Мисс Молли" (L / R на сторону) - идеальный способ персонализировать ваш Warbird или Jet! 2 отличительные знаки, левая и правая рука.
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Foamhead | Проверенный покупатель

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Good stickers

Nov 13, 2019

Good stickers.

Stefano Barbero | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 17, 2015

Dalle foto sembravano molto pi grandi.. devo dire per che sono fatti molto bene

donaldsnephew | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 17, 2014

Pretty, tiny, cheap - I like it!

sfactor1 | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 04, 2012

Nose Art - "Miss Molly" (L/R sided) is good! but u already knew that sorry for the crappy review. i just want some bonus points because hbbyking doesnt reward you anymore for answering questions in the discussion area. i want to get paid for doing CS work that they neglect. a bad review gets censored so these reviews arent very accurate anyways. also the longer the review, the more bonus points you get. they are only a few pennies so hobbyking doesnt really lose out. on the otherhand the customers get angry when they cancel the credit system without notifying the platinum members that they will no longer get credits for basically for doing the cs and tech support work for them. "Please include technical information and any useful data which may help other customers." really? that is the responsibility of the company that is selling the product! when you buy a car do you expect that the previous customer find out the wheelbase, fuel economy and dyno tested the horsepower figure? nope! just go by my star rating for a product. but beware that anything less than a 3 star rating might be deleted! hobbyking should have just deleted kellyann's credits instead of making the whole hk customer base angry by screwing us all over because they wrote a bad program to begin with. they could deleted kellyann but they chose not too. but dont worry. i only give a product a 5 sytar rating if i beleive it to be a 5 star rated product. if i think the product is no good, i will post it as no good.

XBOL HA | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 26, 2012

For the money these stickers are great.

FERNIMANN | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 15, 2012

Un clasico a Muy buen precio y la impresion es buena,gracias HK.

beyaz | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 18, 2012

gayet gzel bir rn ben memlunum..........

colin | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 19, 2012

These will be on my sundowners tomcat!

Branded as: Decal Zone.

These will fit the F-14 starmax twin 60mm sold by hobby king!

All decals have 0.5 mm white bleed.

some dimmensions:

Navy: 85mm x 25mm

200 : 55mm x 20mm

Sharkmouth: 90mm x 80mm

Miss molly 105mm x 55mm

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