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P-40N (зеленый) Giant Scale 6s ж / закрылки, фары и втягивается 1700мм EPO (ПНФ)

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P-40N (зеленый) Giant Scale 6s ж / закрылки, фары и втягивается 1700мм EPO (ПНФ)


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P-40 Warhawk видел действие во многих театрах в WW2, в том числе Средиземноморья, Северной Африки и Тихого океана, где она была использована и как боец ​​и успешнее в качестве самолетов штурмовой. Наиболее классно, Р-40 была использована эскадры китайский Летающий тигр пролетов американскими пилотами, успех этой эскадрой против японской военно-воздушных сил в Китае, даже против опасанного Zero, сделали их общеизвестны по всему миру.

Это P-40 Warhawk просто огромен для модели пены! Будучи EPO, это так сложно, как можно было бы ожидать, но в то же время, формованные детализация просто удивительно. Несмотря на его размер, это Уорхок должно быть легко транспортировать с его съемной 1шт крыла и съемным стабилизаторе. Пластиковые формованные детали часть, как и самых масштабных выхлопными пней, 3 лезвия опора / вертушка, бомба люльки, .50 пулеметы, кабины подробно просто пойти дальше и дальше и сделать для потрясающей масштабной модели.

Список рабочих функций одинаково впечатляет, предварительно смонтированные сплит закрылки, предварительно смонтированные nagivation фары, превосходный изгиб и поворот электрических втягивается, которые показывают пружинные ноги и большие резиновые шины, которые, как втягивающий хвостовым колесом, также предварительно установлены. Шасси связана с секвенсор для дверей U / C для этого окончательного масштаба ощупь. Мы активно участвовали в разработке этой потрясающей P-40N и конечным результатом является не только масштабная модель, чтобы гордиться, но и превосходная летающая модель, которая выглядит так же хорошо, в воздухе, на земле. Этот P-40 является обязательным для любителей Warbird и так легко летать это также отличный выбор для промежуточного пилота, переходящих в масштабе, как говорится, "чем больше они, тем лучше они летят", и они не летают лучше, чем эту красоту!

Технические характеристики:
Размах: 1700мм
Длина: 1500мм
Полетный вес: 3500g
Сервопривод: 7 х 17g серво, 4 х сервоприводов 9g
RX Электропитание: 10A UBEC
Безщеточный: 50-60 Outrunner 250 кВ
6-канальный (дроссель, элероны, лифт, рулей, закрылки, втягивается)

Twist п Turn электрическая втягивается с Oleo нога & Electric хвостовое колесо
работая UNDERCARRIAGE двери, связанные с предварительно смонтированные секвенсор
Рабочие Навигационные огни
Шкала Split закрылки

Ваш собственный 6-канальный TX / RX
Батарея 4000mAh ~ 4500mAh 6S LiPoly

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Mark Oakes | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 24, 2013

I purchased my P40 from HK UK Warehouse over six months ago, although it was a very quick delivery and well packaged I did find almost immediately several defective servos, the spinner was dangerously out of balance and the retracts very weak and failed before taking to the air, after receiving replacement items a few weeks ago and spending an age balancing the spinner I finally flew this warbird and was quite impressed by its flight characteristics, unfortunately both retracts collapsed on a less than stressful landing, the wooden plate holding the motor mount is now loose with no way of rectifying it without separating the fuselage halves and ruining the finish, I think HK will have to substantially improve the quality of this model as a finished product before I consider buying another large scale warbird. Overall a great looking and flying plane let down by some poor quality control issues. Feel free to buy one but be ready to go over everything with a fine tooth comb and definitely source stronger retracts. Does HK sell upgraded retracts for this plane?

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 22, 2013

I receved that big P-40N. Was packed correctly end everything was ok. But the ESC was not working. I had to replace it with my 60 Amp PLUSH receaver. Plus there was about no information about How to wire the ESC plus receaver with all the electronic with the separat Power supply (BEC)

I Hope HobbyKing will give me something for that desagrement..

But all over, this is a very nice WarBird ! And the shippind to Canada was incredibly FAST !!!!

GOOD JOB HobbyKing !

Dean Blair | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 11, 2013

Came this morning, well packed.

In the middle of building her just got main wings together, tail plane etc all in place. I will update review once shes taken to the sky's.

Iannybeany | Проверенный покупатель

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Dec 12, 2012

"Continued from previous" When the 5th channel was allocated to the gear. The servos started to strain hatches burst open things popped and then the wheel started to retractthe rear cover was preventing the rear from retracting. I cut the wire and removed the doorsthis solved the problem however the front two were still swingingso what remaining connections were removed and the covers taken off.
The front rear screw holding the tail was no fitted. However I did manage to pinch the signal wire cut it and had to remove the rear wheel to repair the break.
With a little fiddling I did manage to operate the flaps using the Airbrake function on my radiothe motor was working but I noticed that if I moved the wires from the battery slightly it would go through its start up routine and then respond to throttlehowever I now find that I have no the start up routine going but have no throttle responseuntil I solve this problem I will not be able to test fly the P-40N
Will write more when I solve motor problem.

Iannybeany | Проверенный покупатель

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Dec 12, 2012

"Continued from previous" move the elevator flap to free up the hinge movement. I did this to all the other surfaces, flaps ailerons and rudder to make sure that this didnt happen to the other servos.
I replaced the push rods provided for the ailerons and flaps as I thought there wasnt enough rod coming through the linkage stopper. NO Allen key is provided for this linkage stopperfortunately I had one.
Lamination of the spars was done using epoxy and I did this by assembling the spars first using a g cramp and drilling a 2mm hole through all pieces at either end that enabled me to slip a toothpick through the hole after I glued each surface. This helps ensure that there is no slip when you glue when you apply pressure with cramps.
Wings joined I bolted these to the fuselage and proceed to link up all the wiresthese were well marked and easily to follow.

Iannybeany | Проверенный покупатель

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Dec 12, 2012

P-40N construction Review.

I ordered the P-40N online from the Australian Warehouse late Wednesday night and it arrived on my doorstep at the far north coast of NSW on Friday morning. No damage to the model all parts were accounted for.
I have taken my time to assemble the plane as I encountered a few difficulties during construction.
The tail section went together as per photo instructions however the glue container was 80pcnt air and gluing tail took most of what was left in the tube. I completed all other lamination of spars and assembly using 5 minute Epoxy.
The rear wheel cover presented a problem when trying to insert the forward screw as these would not open and I didnt want to force them open. I left this bolt until the electrics were connected and the servo would open the covers.
Identifying the correct screws for the horns took some time however I did eventually find the longer screws that went through the leading edge of the both the rudder and elevator. The horns without the linkage stopper attached were used on these surfaces. This took some time to do. I found that if I started the screws in to the horn plates first I was able to start them easier through the wing surface.
I didnt free up the elevator hinge line enough and when I connect the servo it soon stripped the gears in the servoI had to replace it with a metal gear servo and vigorously

Paul | Проверенный покупатель

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Nov 07, 2012

I received this kit today. It arrived quickly and was packaged very well. One of the wings is warped and the fuselage was damaged in the box. I have filed a warranty claim with HK, hopefully they will report back with good news. The plane is very large and very impressive in person. I am looking forward to getting it in the air. I will report back when it flies. ~paul

Stephan | Проверенный покупатель

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May 08, 2012

Now I have completed the assembly. Just got the bird, looks nice. Bud the Retract on right wing defect! too good to throw away.

pousa | Проверенный покупатель

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Sep 22, 2011

escelente voador, parece real.O trem de pouso poderia ser mais forte.

eigil | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 23, 2011

Just got the bird, looks nice. I think it's best to remove the paint where the glue should be applied because the paint easaally pealed of. I use ordinary scotch tape to remove it. I don't use the supplied glue, it was only good for paint remover.

Файлы клиентов
Construction of P-40N Download [434]
Tail construction Download [1172]
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