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P-51D Mustang Монстр 1.55m 6Ch XL-EPO - 61inch ПНФ (зеленый)

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P-51D Mustang Монстр 1.55m 6Ch XL-EPO - 61inch ПНФ (зеленый)


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Эта крупномасштабная, краш-устойчивые ЭПО Warbird имеет wingpsan из 61inches (1,55 м) и поставляется с рабочими втягивается, функциональным хвостовым колесом и закрылки!
Амортизирующие втягивается как функциональные, так и сильной, впитывая удары от плохих посадок и неровных участков полета. Рулевом хвостовое колесо делает руление легко и этот большой размах крыльев самолета еще проще управлять в воздухе.
Там нет необходимости беспокоиться о летающих крупномасштабную Warbird больше с новым EPO P-51D,

В комплект входит 8 сервоприводы, 4 лопасти гребного винта, и большая серия скороход высокого качества 42. Закрылки идеально подходят для стаскивать коротких взлетов и идеально подходит для медленных посадок!
P-51 Mustang поступит 95% в собранном, оставив только части хвост и крыло, чтобы быть приклеены на место. Время сборки составляет около 1 часа.

Длина: 1350мм
Размах: 1550мм
Пропеллер: 4 лопасти (в комплекте)
Вес: 2300g
Двигатель: C4250 Бесщеточный скороход 600kv (в комплекте)
ESC: 45A (в комплекте)
Аккумулятор: 14.8V 2600 ~ 3000mAh 4S1P (не входит в комплект)
Сервоприводы: 8 единиц (включая)
Ретракты: 3 х Электрические Ретракты (в комплекте)

6ch Tx & Rx (элеронов / закрылков / лифт / руль направления / дроссельной заслонки / передач)
14.8V 2600 ~ 3000mAh 4S1P Липо

  • P51D 1.55m Mustang
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vettster | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 05, 2015

I just got this model and am doing an online build at RCG under Electric Warbirds.
The price is great for what your getting.. but you will have to do some work to bring it up to standard. When you place your order, remember to add a 14x12 2 blade prop because the beautiful 4 blade prop just doesn't work. Also order a 80amp or larger ESC as the stock one is not up to the task. I am making mine so that the wings can be removed. Check out the online build. Lots of photos there for you;) I will be running 5s packs.

Sooty | Проверенный покупатель

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Sep 11, 2013

I bought this item in Flash sale for a really good price so am happy with what I got but needed lots of work to get it up to flying standard. Hence 3 crowns.
Spring wire for tail wheel was all hooked up internally and stretched badly when retract extended. Unknown no-name ESC was immediately ditched for a reliable one. Supplied control horns were a crash-in-waiting. Retracts were obviously not going to last beyond the first flying session so replaced with metal ones. Apart from that it is the basis for quite an impressive looking plane.

To make it more user friendly I glued the wings permanently to the fuselage and the cut the whole fuse section and wing around the wing root to make a one piece removable wing. Last job was to strengthen the fuse for the length of the wing root and battery compartment by lining sides and bottom with thin plywood to provide secure equipment and battery mounting. I just followed the layout in the more expensive 1600mm version product photos. Finished model is displayed in "Sootys Hanger" post on forum.

Marcel | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 05, 2013

Schaut echt Schn aus aber das wars dann auch schon... die Bauanleitng htte man sich sparen knnen, das Modell muss komplett zusammen geklebt werden und ist mit 1,55 metern einfach sehr schwer zu transportieren. Zur Flugleistung kann ich nichts sagen, da sich mein Modell beim Zweitflug in Einzelteile zerlegt hatt!!! Das Fahrwerk luft ruppig und ist nicht sehr stabil. Alles in allem bin ich sehr enttuscht und habe mir fr mein Geld echt mehr Qualitt erwnscht. Das einzigste was in meinen Augen etwas getaut hat wahr der BL Auenlufer der genug leistung mit brachte. PS: mein Crash Cash Bild ist auch schon hochgeladen ;)

Max745 | Проверенный покупатель

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Feb 03, 2013

very beautiful plane.
very big, very large, but cannot be seperated, the wings are definetly stuck to the fuselage so it's kind of a challenge to bring it ...
the building of the plane is quite long.
I've not tested it yet but as soon as it'll fly, I'll make a video and upload it.
the servos blugs of the retracts don't set very good so I put a piece of tape to fix it well.
it arrived fast and the send is very cheap !
now it just have to fly ;)

Sockrat | Проверенный покупатель

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Jan 02, 2013

There are several things you'll need to do with this kit:
1) Add BEC. Existing one won't handle the load.
2) Order control horns with it. Existing one are guaranteed to fail as they are glued to one side. Better: replace pushrods as well and add hinges.
3) Fix some manufacturing defects. (mine f.ex. had no cf spars in left wing)
For the rest it's a descent kit. Although I'd add $10 and go for 1.6m wingspan mustang. You'll get better power system, lights and hopefully a better quality hardware.

mark | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 06, 2011

this is a great aircraft as long as you make sure to complete some necessary upgrade steps that are not included in the building manual:

1. dont glue the wings on as this makes it impossible to transport unless you have a large 4wd. simply apply a 50mm strip of industrial strength Velcro the length of each wings. (will update with pics soon) also you can and should glue the wing spars into the fuse only which also helps centre the wings.

2. make sure you reinforce the landing gear mounts into the wings. they are only hot glued into the wings from factory! wiggle them free which is scarily easy.. apply any kind of epoxy to the mounts and secure them in where you want them.

3. dont use the ESC that comes with the plane.. it will burn out.. mine was nearly overheating on practice take-off runs at 50pcnt throttle.. i replaced it with the 50-60a esc from hobbyking which was only about $15.. a worthy upgrade for a small price.

4. be sure all control surfaces move as required. flaps on my model where extending to different limits.

5. make sure the gear works 110pcnt as mine did not, cycle them at least 10 times because you do not want a gear failure with this beautiful plane...

this may sound like a negative review but on the contrary this plane is the best plane i have ever bought! the little things listed above are acceptable considering how cheap the kit is. but also as with

99FRC427 | Проверенный покупатель

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Jun 11, 2011

Great presence in the air. When I fly this right out of the box everyone lands to watch it. Two of my friend have them on the way right now.

Клиент | Проверенный покупатель

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Jan 04, 2011

P-51G Monster Mustang 1.55m 5Ch XL-EPO - 61inch ARF (Green)
Please gife it to Warenhouse DE,
i will order it!

MIFAS | Проверенный покупатель

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Dec 12, 2010

El avion que todos quieren... muy lindo

Wild-Dog-Jansen | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 26, 2010

Das Modell kann in ca. 2 Stunden zusammengebaut werden. Die Originalversion mit Lipo 4 S ist sehr sehr langsam und das Fahrwerk sehr "unstabil". Ich werde das Modell auf Lipo 5 S mit groesserem Motor und ohne Fahrwerk umbauen - als Wurfmodell. Ansonsten ist die Qualitaet des Modells sehr gut und stabil und macht viel Spass.

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