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Сканер RC 80A ESC (1 / 10Scale)

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Сканер RC 80A ESC (1 / 10Scale)


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Произведено в Тайване из качественных компонентов сканера RC конкуренции Гонки серия 1/10-Car ЭСК предлагают бескомпромиссное качество, что поставит вас в круг победителей.

Показывая Atmel IC с разрешением 1024 DPI эти ЭСК предлагают очень плавное и точное управление дроссельной заслонкой.

Прод. Ток: 80A
Выброс ток: 96A (10 секунд)
Автомобиль Размер: 1 / 10th
Батарея: 2-3 Cell Липо
BEC: 6V / 5.0A
Тип двигателя: Sensored Бесщеточный
Размер (HxLxW): 28 х 42 х 40 мм
Вес: 66g (включая провода, радиатором и вентилятором)
Двигатель Заглушки: Необходимые
Батарея штепсельной вилки: Требуется
Переключатель включения / выключения: Да
Реверс: Да

Опции программирования ( с помощью дополнительного программирования карты)
Пороговые Напряжение: 2.6V ~ 3.4V
Запуск режима: Вперед + Тормозная система / Forward & Обратный + Тормозная система
Двигатель времени: 2DEG ~ 12deg
Ввод в эксплуатацию: Low / Mid / High / Высокий Пик
Тормозная сила: 20% ~ 100%
Тормозных сил Начальное: 10% ~ 100%
Перетащите регулятор тормозных сил: 4% ~ 30%
Переключение: 8KHz / 16кГц
Nuetral Диапазон: 2% ~ 6%

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| Проверенный покупатель

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Mar 12, 2012

Dont use this for a 2.5t does not work

chrisrevv | Проверенный покупатель

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Feb 25, 2012

Absolute rubbish!, connected a modest 13t motor powered it up, set the throttle range and the thing lasted about 30 seconds in a drift car on 2 cells.
Im an electronics tech so I thought I would disassemble and check over for dry joints ect as it didnt go up in smoke.. solder used on the PCB is terrible quality, bubbles when hit with precision iron.. heatsink is way too close to solder joints, I can imagine this is why some of them have gone up in smoke.. If i could rate it at no crowns I would..

mclulz | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Feb 13, 2012

This ESC stopped working after 3 mins of driving at the local track.

Used with scanner 1/10th 6turn sensored motor.

I do not recommend this product, because for no reason it stopped working. Steering works, but not throttle. I can't even get it to arm, I have tried everything. When I tried another ESC the motor worked.

Allen | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 05, 2012

the price for this product is reasonable, also with fully powerful MOS-FET, it's totally working nice and I am recommending, the version 2 is new one now selling, that is inculding fan case with better quality, I bought a lot for my customer for beginner application.

TiagoPires | Проверенный покупатель

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Dec 18, 2011

My arrived, I made the proper connections, tested with the engine on the bench and it worked, did the beep normally. When I put it in the car it just vibrated the engine and did not work anymore. Measure the output with a true rms multimeter and this with a very low voltage, about 0.5 V. So does the beep, but too low for the hardly listen. I think it died before work.

peter2 | Проверенный покупатель

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Nov 05, 2011

i said that i would give more info once i managed to fix it. well, it's dead. it worked for 5 minutes on 2 cells lipo with an 6.5 turns motor that would draw a max of 60 amps. after this one i bought the 150 amps version. that one is still alive, but is not good. reverse is one big pulse, it gets hot, the original fan literaly exploded, etc. next time i think i'll go for a turnigy esc, since those usually do work the way they are intended to.

Ken | Проверенный покупатель

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Oct 02, 2011

I have double check trim setting, here it is

1.0 Throttle range setup (Trim to REV , and Trim to Zero Center).if Futaba TX

1.1 Turn on transmitter and set throttle to maximum position.

1.2 Press SET bottom, than turn on the power, waiting about 4 second until LED light flashes White color,

then you dont need press SET bottom anymore.

1.3 Move throttle stick at maximum position, waiting about 3 second until LED light flashes Blue color, and Beep sound

1.4 Move throttle to minimum position, waiting about 3 second until LED light flashes White color, and Beep sound

1.5 Move throttle back to Neutral position, LED Red & Orange light will flashes about 3 second, and Beep sound, after 2

LED Light been close, now confirm throttle done.

detroit1950 | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 17, 2011

Recieved and never worked. No beeps when trying to program throttle. I spent hours trying different radio/receivers, different motors sensored and sensorless. I think I was shipped a dead one. Hobbyking should drop the Scanner Brand ESC's.

rizka | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 03, 2011

very basd quality didnt even work for more than 5 seconds cut out and no response ...very poor quality and QC ...STAY AWAY FROM SCANNER STUFF!!

Angel | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 27, 2011

I got this ESC to use it with a Scanner 6T motor. The sensored part never worked and after less than ten minutes using it unsensored, the ESC smoke check. Since the motor works unsensored a 45amp Quick Series HK works great and is way cheaper. Scanner ESC has a poor quality for the price.

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80A ESC Instructions Page 1 Download [1942]
80A ESC Instructions Page 2 Download [2293]
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