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Servoless убирающимся шасси Передняя (Steerable)

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Servoless убирающимся шасси Передняя (Steerable)


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3 секунды от перегрузки по току и помехозащищенности
Включите фитинга крутить степень стойки 90, когда убирается
Смарт-схема поддерживает блок убирается, даже если вы подключите питание. Только сигнал передатчика может продлить или убрать шасси.

Рабочее напряжение: 4.8 ~ 6.0V
Рабочий ток: 0.1 ~ 0.3A (3 секунды защиты от перегрузки по току)
Не подходит для самолета тяжелее 2,5 кг

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LaserBeam | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

May 25, 2012

The Servoless Retracts are an excellent product. Very good value for money and they perform well. Im a big fan of the MainRetracts (STTE-2) which HobbyKing also sells (or used to). The NoseWheelRetracts (STTE-3) can be setup in several ways. Click the FILES tab above and find 'RetractInfo -LaserBeam' for the INSTRUCTION MANUAL for the STTE-2 and the STTE-3 servoless retracts. ie. Instructions for BOTH the Main Retracts and the Nose-wheel Retracts. Its in .PDF for best viewing. Enjoy :)

Herbyaespen | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 14, 2012

Ebenfalls vorgesehen fr Parkzone T28

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 01, 2012

Gute mechanik, alles Bestens.

Dave W | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 25, 2012

I connected to my Futaba 8FG and R6208SB. Works great. No EPA adjustment necessary. I was hesitant to buy this because of other reviews but, as long as you dont repeatedly test cycle them, they should last a long time. Mounting depth is 23mm!

Deman | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Feb 11, 2012

I orderd three of these and 3 packets arrived with my order but 1 packet was empty. A service ticket was opened then promptly closed as being "resolved" but numerous contacts made and still no replacement or credit for the missing retract. So I'm giving a now incomplete and hence useless set of retracts 1 crown. Com'on HK some follow up and service please.

Narcizo | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 27, 2012

It has a huge gap in any position. Otherwise, it is cheap and works where precision is not required. I'll try to minimize the gaps. Never mind the warning not to open because it is quite easy reassembling.

rob0101 | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 17, 2012

Solid retract, using on 70mm EDF jet.

pardus | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 04, 2012

The leg fit into the unit is very sloppy causing imprecise steering and imperfect retracting, also either steering system (pull-pull or pushrod) is not easy to setup.
If using the pull-pull system for steering the leg's looseness causes it to rotate when retracting frequently causing a jam, if using the pushrod system for steering it jams up often too as the parts don't always line up.
The price matches the quality, mine is however, still operating fine after 100's of (testing) cycles.

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 23, 2011

This is a Changesun electric retract. Quality is correct for the price tag. Works flawlessly with a 2,4ghz Futaba receiver. Mounting this on a 2,5kg model seems a bit optimistic too me. I wouldn't install this on anything heavier than 2kg.

HappySundays | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Oct 03, 2011

I tried these for the F9F Lander Phantom, which had to be extensively modded to make them fit.
The shaft is 1/8", not 3mm. No mounting screws are provided.
The leg is made from carbon steel. You will not be able to bend them without heating them. I think they are made to interface with other wheel assemblies normally.
I used a butane torch to heat the areas to bend and was able to made a nice front leg arranegment from it but you need to heat the leg to glowing red hot.
Naturally, you should remove the leg from the assembly first. It is retained by a circlip. Finally, I think the jam detction is overly sensitive. It stops at the slightest resistance and am not sure it will have enough torque to pull the steering cables tight before the anti-jam kicks in.

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RetractInfo -LaserBeam Download [1182]
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