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TURNIGY Heavy Duty 5000mAh 4S 60C Lipo обновления

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TURNIGY Heavy Duty 5000mAh 4S 60C Lipo обновления


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97,75 A$
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Синие батареи TURNIGY вы знаете и любите теперь доступны в 60C рейтингу клеток. Новые пакеты Turnigy Heavy Duty Series имеют усилитель рисовать поставляя возможности вы хотите для вашей модели высокой производительности. Новый номер один по производительности и цене! Пакеты нового Turnigy Heavy Duty Series LiPoly обеспечивают полную мощность на указанной скорости C. Вы не найдете более выгодную сделку в высокой производительности литий полимерные батареи в любом месте!

• Широкие вкладки с медным покрытием для превосходной передаче мощности
• скорость разряда супер высокой 60C
• Идеально подходит для высокопроизводительных моделей
• Прочные силиконовые Проводники

Технические характеристики:
Емкость: 5000mAh
Напряжение: 4S1P / 4 Cell / 14.8V
Разряд: 60C Constant / 120C серийной съемки
Вес: 602g
Размеры: 147x50x40mm
Баланс штепсельной вилки: JST-XH
Разряд штепсельной вилки: 5.5mm пуля
Датчик провода: 8AWG

  • Емкость ( мАч ) 5000.00
  • Разряд ( с) 60.00
  • Max Charge Rate ( C) 2.00
  • Длина -A (мм ) 147.00
  • Высота - В ( мм ) 50.00
  • Width-C(mm) 40.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-12


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Michael | Проверенный покупатель

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Nov 03, 2016

Hallo I have now more than 5 Month any of these Batteries. 5A and 4A as 3S or 4S. All Lipos have bad cells included. Some did complete the mA as is written other break down with a 20A Load - Written is 60C What a shame after your QUALITY MANAGEMENT. I tell you what happen. These are the same old lipos as before with a new design. Years ago the 20C Lipos did a better work as all your WANT TO BE A GOOD LIPO.

I bought about 400 Lipos at HK but that was the last one. From a over view from 10 Years 75% of your lipos have 65% Capacity and about 45% a damage at factory. I talked more than 1000 times with your staff abouit these problems in Europe and UK Warehouse.

All your staff know that problem and give to their next higher Staff. What happen until today is really nothing. The batteries break in from 4.2V directly to 3.5V with some loads from 30A and 40A. To fly a Airbus from HK is not possible with any Lipos from HK.
NO LIPO does not matter which one, Turnigy or Zippy, can work for that Airbus you sell. We need to fly a lipo which does not break in so extremely. Also there is no 3S in your shop who can do that.

Anthony | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 06, 2016

I just received 2 of these heavy duties 5000mah 4s batteries and I automatically measure the internal resistance on the batteries. 1 battery turned out fine with 1 1 1 1's across the board while the other had 1 1 5 1. Voltage was 3.80 on 3 cells while the bad one had 3.69. I then balance charge and now there is a 20pcnt difference on the bad cell that wont go past 4.00! Who does the quality control before these batteries get shipped out!! I'm not too happy about this and just seen another review with the same scenario! I lost buying confidence in your batteries HobbyKing

hotboxedtyper | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 06, 2016

I have recieved 3 Turnigy Heavy Duty lipos with either a dead cell or a bad cell that won't charge. Hobbyking's quality control is a joke. They can't even simply check voltages before shipping?! How hard is that? Now I have to wait probably at least 2 or 3 weeks for a replacement?! Do yourself a favor and stay away fromTurnigy Heavy Duty lipos.

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