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Turnigy Multistar 1704-1900Kv 12Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner

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Turnigy Multistar 1704-1900Kv 12Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner


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24,54 A$
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1 year warranty
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В OutRunners Turnigy MULTISTAR разработаны с одной вещью в виду - максимального повышения производительности Multi-ротор! Они имеют высококачественные магниты, подшипники высокого качества и все точности сбалансирован для плавного хода, эти двигатели разработаны специально для использования мульти-ротора.

Эти OutRunners MULTISTAR были специально разработаны с нуля для использования мульти-ротора и не основаны на самолете двигателей.

KV (RPM / V): 1900
Lipo клетки: 2-3s
Макс (Вт): 49
Максимум. тока (10s): 4,5 ампер
Нет ток нагрузки: 0,5 А
Сопротивление системы внутреннего: 0,405 Ом
Количество полюсов: 12
Размер вала: 5мм
Размеры (Dia.xL): 21 х 15 мм
Отверстия под болты Разнос: 14мм
Болт резьба: M2
Разъем: 2 мм пуля Тип разъема
Вес: 13,5 г

  • Kv ( об / об) 1900.00
  • Max Токи (A) 4.50
  • Сопротивление ( тк ) 405.00
  • Максимальное напряжение (В ) 11.00
  • Мощность (Вт ) 49.00
  • Вал А ( мм) 5.00
  • Длина В ( мм ) 16.00
  • Диаметр С ( мм ) 21.00
  • Может Длина D (мм ) 6.00
  • Общая длина E (мм ) 33.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10


  • Turnigy MulitStar Motor
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william | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 04, 2015

bought 4 of these for a quad build. 1 had stripped screw holes so i couldn't mount the motor. Got a replacement from hobbyking in 3 weeks. The replacement seized up while testing. Now a 3rd motor gave out. Total got 5 motors and 3 were bad. Stay Away From these!

michael | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Mar 12, 2015

these little motors are amazing I am using them on my 250 frame and have crashed pretty badly all 4 still in one piece. happy with this product

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 10, 2015

Had one defective motor when I purchased 4. Hobby King quickly sent a replacement though so great service!

Feldsalat | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 28, 2015

Schner Motor mit guten Leistungsdaten, leider teilweise raue Lager :-(

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 20, 2014

Kick ass little motors! great quality, great flying! awesome for 250 quads! would buy these for any mini quad

Wipo_Be | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Dec 10, 2014

I have tested this motor with a these props on 2 and 3 cell lipo.
5x3GF, 5x4GF, 6x3GF, 5x3x3, 5x45x3, 4x25, 7x38
The conclusion is that this motor only fits to one combination only:
5x3GF on 3 cell lipo, 235grams at 54 watt

All benchmark results are available on this webpage:

peteriwas | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Dec 05, 2014

This is a great little motor which I use on two of my 250 quads. At full blast 4 of them run at about 15-16A (that's from an idle current drain on the drone of 350mA, so you get the drift). Like I mentioned I'm running 8 of them with 2 spares still in the box. So far been through tons of crashes, running in dusty environment and still running strong (with only basic care given to the motors). Unlike some of the other reviewers I have not found the shaft to be flimsy at all. Quite to the contrary, the motors seem fairly well make when you account for their overall small size. Produce ample power for a 250 even loaded with fpv gear and lighting. 1000mAH battery gives me anything from 5-7 minutes flight on both of my drones (little less if I'm being silly). Would buy it again.

sidd232 | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Dec 04, 2014

Bought 6 for my quad got one with badly bent shaft and other quit after 2 flights, wouldn't recommed this ones.

Joachim84 | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 29, 2014

Well, I bought 8 of this and 5 pieced of them were a case for warranty. Great support, no issues.

The 3 that are working, are working great. So, life sometimes. It proofed their good support and return process, no complains, within 2 days I had the bp.

Suzy Creamcheese | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Oct 18, 2014

Great motors for small quads and planes. The only issue for me were the mounting screws, they were way too short for what I was mounting the motor to. You could use them on a 250 quad but if you plan to do FPV I would recommend getting some more powerful motors (2300-2400kv). I run them on a 1300 3s on my 250 (w/o FPV gear) and takeoff is around half throttle so the power issue is not to bad.

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