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Turnigy SK450 Quad Copter Powered By MULTISTAR. Вилка и Fly Quadcopter Set (ПНФ)

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Turnigy SK450 Quad Copter Powered By MULTISTAR. Вилка и Fly Quadcopter Set (ПНФ)


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227,82 A$
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Представляя квадро вертолёт Turnigy SK450 питается от MULTISTAR. Turnigy намеревался сделать большое значение, проста в использовании, подключи и летать четверной вертолёт без компромиссов. Результатом является четырехъядерный геликоптер с использованием всех компонентов верхних яруса и проверенную производительность.

Turnigy начал с популярной SK450 рамой, известной своей прочностью, а затем добавил некоторые изменения детали с MULTISTAR зеленого фронта оружия и аварии купол для контроллера полета. Для системы питания, Turnigy посмотрел на проверенной MULTISTAR линии двигателей и ЭСК, выбирая мощный 2213 и приведения их в соответствие с контроллерами скорости Multistar 20А. Когда он пришел к контроллеру полета выбор было ясно с очень близкого KK2.1, все предварительно сконфигурированных и настройка в режиме X. Turnigy SK450 поставляется с 2-х размеров реквизита; 8 дюймов для 2200mAh или небольших батарей и 10 дюймов для больших батарей или для тех, кто хочет добавить камеру для съемки с высоты птичьего полета в. Turnigy оборачивает пакет с целью построен футляр для переноски с предварительно вырезанными пенных вставок для четырехъядерного вертолету, передатчик, аккумуляторы и все принадлежности, делая транспортировки и хранения ветер.

Turnigy сделал всю тяжелую работу за вас. Не тратить часы, пытаясь выработать лучшие компоненты для использования или сборки времени. Получить там и начать полет с новым, подключи и летать, TURNIGY SK450, питание от MULTISTAR.

• Специальный выпуск SK450 рамка
• Система питания Multistar
• KK2.1 контроллер полета
• Включает в себя переносящий коробку с поролоновыми вставками
• 2 комплекта реквизита
• Смонтированный и настроенный

Технические характеристики:
Рама: SK450
Колесная база или Мотор Мотор Диагональ: 450мм
Вес: 680г без батареи
Двигатели: Multistar 2213 935kv
ESC: 20A Multistar
Пропеллеры: 0845 ~ 1045 2xCW 2xCCW
Flight Controller: KK2.1

В стоимость входит:
1 х SK450 подключи и летать четверной вертолёт
4 х 0845 дюймовые гребные винты 2xCW 2xCCW
4 х 1045 дюймовые гребные винты 2xCW 2xCCW
Ремни Velcro и запасное аппаратное обеспечение
Интегрированный кейс коробка с поролоновыми вставками

1 х 2200mAh 3S 11.1V LiPoly Аккумулятор и зарядное устройство
1 х 5ch система радио

  • SK450 PNF
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Allen | Проверенный покупатель

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Five stars

Jan 26, 2017

Got two of these one on frsky radio one on turnigy 9x
Got both out of box fiddled with controlers fwd and rev to get controlls right
Maiden flight both perfect straight from box my boys total newbees no wobble etc
One week on a few props later still going strong very happy

andrea | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 27, 2016

very terrible firmware ESCs
there are two possibility, change esc with other type, or remapping this with simonk firmware...
absolutly impossible to fly...
this is the problem during the throttle calibration:

for remapping it's necessary buy the atmel socket cable, and atmega usb adaptor... but there are 3 tipe of usb adaptor (the board of usb adaptor have a different chip and pin position)

mamakin | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 14, 2016

SK450 is an Excellent Frame, overall the multistar esc are garbage, for a stable fly you need to change these with simonk esc

-motors are OK

- you need to change the multistar esc, buy 4 pair of 20 ampere chinese simonk esc , with 3.5 mm bullet , the quad will change, it will be more and more stable

-kk is not so bad, you need to do setting in the right way

- use only carbon/nylon mix propellers, the gemfan are only nylon and are not good at all is cheap plastic garbage, only buy dji propellers, that are compatible with the motor s shaft

Andrejs | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 04, 2016

good quadcopter, but dont use 10" props/ On 8" fly good!

this video, how it can fly without fpv

RC NOVA | Проверенный покупатель

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May 31, 2016

Very pleased! My first quadcopter, pretty easy to set up and very well-built. Didn't need to flash or upgrade anything just set up my radio and receiver, then started to practice!

Roundstone | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

May 20, 2016

Very nice package to get into multicopters if you already have a transmitter/receiver (I only flew airplanes up to this point). The propellers needed a bit of a trim to balance them, but that is needed on all propellers, especially the cheap ones.

I was able to tune it and get it responsive and without any wobble with the smaller propellers (8045), but couldn't get all the wobbliness out with the larger ones with the original ESC firmware.

Note that the stock ESCs give up if you get the throttle too low and the motor stalls and it won't start up again until you disable the throttle for a couple of seconds and start it up again, I crashed because of this, but it survived a 15 meter fall into a dirt field with nothing broken, the frame is very sturdy!
Because they are supported, I reflashed the ESCs with SimonK's firmware and now it's perfect, if one motor stalls it keeps trying to spin it up.
I've made a tutorial on how to flash the firmware on this ESC:

As a final note, I think a high quality transmitter/receiver might be more noticeable on a quad than on a glider, it might be obvious for a veteran, but if you are thinking about upgrading your transmitter, getting into multicopters might be the right time to do it. Right now I'm using a Turnigy i6 and the throttle control could be a bit more precise, but it will still fly just fine

J | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 23, 2016

I fly my sk450 4s with 3200 mAh and 8x4.5 prop. No problem (flytime:15 -20 min.). I made a wire from the battery to the KK2.1.5 and alarm at 144 volts. To increase the visibility I made four LEDs under each engine ( two blue and two red, connected in my receiver 5V). Nice drone to learn flying and understanding the settings for a drone. It's a good basic to build it out to FPV - the KK2.1 has an option for a selfmade gimbal - see YouTube.
The quality of the ESC's, props and engines could be better.

germansteve | Проверенный покупатель

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Dec 14, 2015

NOT ARF. Its totally uncontrollable and dangerous. I have spent hours watching videos and doing research to try and get this to fly, I have done all the setting recommended and its still not any better. I have heli 450s and planes so am not new to RC. You might be lucky but I would NOT buy this again.

Leszek | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Nov 28, 2015

Nice, crash proof frame, supplied with 8x4.5 props and 10x4.5 1 set each.
Straight out of the box on big props i had really hard time to keep altitude steady and auto level was a bit unreliable.
with 8x4.5 everything was lot smoother, but at cost of reduced flight times and lifting capability, just managed to take off with extra battery as a load.Used 2 3Ah multistar batteries.
Didn't test lifting with 10x4.5 props as first set got snapped due to mentioned stability issues combined with total noob piloting it.

Crashtruk | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Nov 23, 2015

Flew once then the KK smoked. Changed boards 4 times...every time I connect 11.1v the boards literally smokes. Now I have to try to get a refund, should be fun...not. I will keep you posted on HK's excellent customer service regarding faulty merchandise.

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