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Университет клуб RC Парусник Готов к запуску

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Университет клуб RC Парусник
Весело R / C парусная лодка, полностью построен и готов к запуску.
Все необходимые элементы предварительно установлены, в том числе грота лебедки, усилитель руля и все такелаж, паруса и аппаратного обеспечения, а также приемника. Она также имеет очень легкий доступ к батарейного отсека, а также очень легкий доступ к кристаллу, если необходимо изменить. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это добавить свои собственные батареи размера 4 AA!

Наслаждайтесь гладкий парусный спорт, который приходит от внимания к деталям, качеству и технике этого прекрасного паруснике.

Длина: 515mm
Высота: 857mm
Ширина: 120 мм
Вес: 2,5кг
Площадь парусов: 9.7dm2

батареи размера AA 8 х для TX
4 х аккумуляторов типоразмера АА для паруснике

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Chris | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Mar 14, 2012

Agree with the folks this is tender hull, for light wind sailing. Very nice looker. I cut the keel in half, drilled the hull and bulb, installed a 4mm carbon rod each end and filled the 1 1/4 inch gap with bondo. Sails better BUT has lost that shallow draught, sails in a wisper charm. Relaxing light air boat !

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 17, 2011

I bought one few weeks ago for my son, and sadly, i fully agree with the first review - even under weakest wind the ship tilts in water, becames unsteerable. Not usable without ballasting, but the stake is closed and glued.

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Customer Rated

Jan 27, 2011

Habe gestern das Boot bekommen - was will man mehr fr sein Geld. Kleinigkeiten kann man selbst ndern - dafr sind wir doch Bastler. Sobald das Eis weg ist, kommts ins Wasser. Hab es bereits 3 Modellbaukollegen empfohlen.

Camron1981 | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 22, 2011

Pour le prix, il faut pas se plaindre.
J'en ai pris deux, donc a me revient la pices, frais de ports inclus, moins de 20euros! Qui dit mieux???
Sur un, un servo posait soucis, je l'ai remplac par un futaba que j'avais en stock.

gerda | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 15, 2011

sieht schick aus das teil.
aber entweder sind die segel zu gro oder mast und baeume zu kurz.
das bedarf der korrektur, da die segel deshalb viel zu bauchig sind.
der kiel erscheint mir ziehmlich kurz und die bombe sehr klein.
aber fr 20 euronen nen super teil.
sailing out of the box. akkus rein und los(wenn ddas eis weg ist)

Chameo | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 15, 2011

It's ok for this special price of twenty bucks but not for more. I've ordered two of these boats. One was ok (not regarding the general insufficencies) but on the other boat the mast was too short so that the booms can't move freely and streak the deck and the sails unhinge easily. Additionally the keel wasn't glued properly.
Most of the general insufficencies are concerning mast, booms and sails. While the booms are generally ok, they are too short for the sails (or the sails are too wide for the booms), so the sails hang around loosely.
Rigging seems to be ok altough the used cord doesn't look very durable. Unfortunately it's impossible to get a tight rigging because the mast is so flexible that it simply bends when tightening the cords.
And then there is the manual. Well, this boat is made for beginners so it would be good if the manual would be able to give some explanation about the rc, this specific boat and how to sail in general. Unfortunately the pictures and explanations are not for this boat (altough it's name appears in the headline) but for the "Legend" sailboat, which has nothing in common with this one. I've bought from the german warehouse so the manual is in german too... well, in a language which is supposed to be german but isn't. It looks like a bad automatic translation and is completely inscrutable.

Conclusion: this isn't a boat for beginners, they would

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 07, 2011

Eolles Teil.

Fr den Preis absolut zu empfehlen.

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Customer Rated

Jan 02, 2011

I ordered this University Club and liked it so much I bought a second one as a gift. Both of these sailboats arrived within a week of my order. A very calm breeze is perfect to get this sailboat across the pond faster than expected. This is a perfect beginners model for me to learn nautical terms and concepts. I made a few mods to make controlling the sailboat easier. First I took the springs out of the transmitter's sticks so I dont have to keep my thumbs on sticks. Second I took out the cast iron weight in bottom of Keel and filled with lead. This has helped with the sailboat to take on a little more wind. Third I filled the hull with styrofoam, so if the worst happens, I can retrieve my boat without swimming to bottom of a pond. Last I changed the mounting points for the servo rope on the boom to get better control. Future mods will include a longer rudder and moving battery pack to bottom of hull for better center of gravity. The downside for this boat with a novice captain is this sailboat does NOT like a strong breeze. Overall I am very satisfied with this inexpensive model as a beginner's first step into sailing.

Клиент | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Dec 13, 2010

Just ordered this from the USA whse.It came to less than $35.00 shipped to Atlanta. I'm normally a plane guy, but at this price, why not. I figure I can play w/this while my seaplane lipos recharge.

It will also look good on a shelf in the man cave.

Клиент | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Oct 18, 2010

I bought this on a whim. It says nothing in the instructions about needing to add balast to it (i don't know if that was the problem), but on the first sail it would almost blow over in the slightest breeze, i tightened all the rigging just right, sent it out for a second sail, and it just blew over and sank, this was in a slight breeze. I can only think it needed ballast added (but does not say that in the instructions, even in Engrish...)

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