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X230 Mini Quadcopter Combo (ж / Motors, ЭСК, пропеллеры)

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X230 Mini Quadcopter Combo (ж / Motors, ЭСК, пропеллеры)


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Этот стильный мини-Quad является отличным способом, чтобы попасть в несколько ротора самолета без хлопот выбора собственной системы питания! Построенный из стекловолокна, этот кадр является одновременно легким и прочным.

Этот набор включает в себя двигатели, эмбриональные и гребных винтов, так что вам нужно будет только добавить свой собственный мульти-ротор платы управления, системы радио и аккумулятор. Он также оснащен платой распределения питания, чтобы сохранить проводку аккуратно.

Мы осуществляем полный спектр плат управления мульти-ротор, чтобы завершить комплект, убедитесь, чтобы увидеть соответствующие пункты ниже.

* Примечание: Вышеуказанные фотографии для иллюстрации только готового продукта. Вам нужно будет установить двигатели, эмбриональные и паять платы распределения питания самостоятельно.

Технические характеристики:
Ширина: 230мм
Высота: 110мм
Полетный вес: 315g (не включая RX и батареи)

Контроллер полета Multi-ротор
4CH передатчик / приемник
аккумулятор 3S 11.1V 1000 ~ 1500mAh LiPoly

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Manfred | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 13, 2015

My advice: don't buy.

Had to buy and replace all ESCs by myself (the default ZTW ones were all broken and lead to sudden motor failure and stuttering).
HobbyKing does NOT have any spareparts in stock.

Motors are mounted in a stupid way.
If the landing is a little bit rough, the props crash against the frame and destroy themselves (had this 5 times already).

Bad frame construction:
* battery does not align with flight direction (rotated 45 degrees against flight direction)
* motors are mounted in such a way that it is almost impossible to fix the props as low to the motor as possible

There is no information available about the built in motors or what could be used as replacement.

Marius | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Mar 06, 2015

Cheap and easy to build. Lack of instructions and information about the parts but it is ggod start for mini multicopters.

Nathan | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 11, 2015

Not a bad quad but I have to say it lacks in the power department. The props are incredibly flimsy so I am hoping when I change them to carbon fibre it might help the problem. The instructions where relatively clear and it went together without any problems. This is my fourth quad, I wanted something small I could fly around the back yard. there are also no spare parts available which could be a problem for new pilots in the event of a crash

Peter Levente | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 27, 2014

Hello, I need help for the esc setup. According to the manual I got ztw 12amp escs with the kit. So foolowing the manual i wanted to make some changes but the tones what i supposed to follow are absolutely different. My escs has no label and at the moment im not sure that these are ztw. If not what esle they are? I hope you can help becouse without any label hard to tell the make and find a correct programming guide. The only thing what I know that they are black. :) Thanks, Peter

Tkader | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 04, 2014

it is a very nice small quad. it is easy to to put together although the power board could be tricky. i have to point one problem which is the props i broke mine and i can't find replacement now..

ErreuR | Проверенный покупатель

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May 14, 2014

Just one word ! WOW GG KH

david | Проверенный покупатель

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May 12, 2014

easy to put together instructions ok problem with one motor it keeps stuttering and not running properly have swapped escs and still same,now have done direct solder joints but still not much better ,what i have ended up with is a copter which has no spare parts availability and not always flyable ,and not returnable as i have modified it

Speedhans | Проверенный покупатель

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Mar 17, 2014

Absolut genial,
ist mein erster Copter. Komme ganz gut damit klar.
Meiner Meinung nach Ideal zum anfangen.
Fliege momentan mit 3S 1300 Lipo,
werde auf 1800 3S umsteigen.
Habe noch LEDs eingebaut, geil!!!

ShawAero | Проверенный покупатель

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Nov 27, 2013

My first quadrotor. Goes together quickly and flys well. Initially used I86 controller and now upgraded to MultiWii MicroWii ATmega32U4 which fits the mounting holes. Due to this quadrotors small square base, it's prone to tipping over on landing so after a few broken props, I have added helicopter style training base (ie carbon rods with foam balls at ends). This makes it far more stable on landing.

xgregg | Проверенный покупатель

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Oct 08, 2013

Very nice. Bought and love it! Very strong. Use it with a Multiwii Pro . Assemled a small glass fiber 2 axis gimbal for gopro hero 3 to put on it. Flies very well. 5min autonomy.

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