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DALPROP Q5040 Lila

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DALPROP Q5040 Lila


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Dalprops "Indestructible" PC 5040 4-Blade Props Purple (CW/CCW) (2 pairs)

Dalprops propellers have raised the bar in the drone racing community, with this range of pre-balanced, "indestructible” propellers made from super tough polycarbonate. (OK, we'll confess that they're not completely indestructible if you'll admit that they're pretty tough to bust!)

Dalprops propellers give smooth power delivery while being able to give plenty of power for punch outs.

They come packaged as a set of 4, with 2 CW rotation and 2 CCW rotation and in a wide range of colors to mix and match to help with multirotor orientation. This is a fantastic upgrade for any small multirotor.

Size: 5040 (5.0" x 4.0")
Blades: 4
Color: Purple
Hub: 5mm
Material: Polycarbonate
Weight: 4.0g

2 x CW rotation
2 x CCW rotation

  • Propeller Durchmesser X (Inch ) 5.00
  • Pitch Y (Inch ) 4.00
  • Drehung CW/CCW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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Jen | Verifizierter Käufer

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Dalprops "Indestructible" PC 5040 4-Blade Props Purple (CW/CCW) (2 Pairs)

Jul 01, 2019

Looks good but have yet to test, will post results after i have.

Chris | Verifizierter Käufer

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Dalprops "Indestructible" PC 5040 4-Blade Props Purple (CW/CCW) (2 Pairs)

Jun 21, 2019

Great for the price.

Karl | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 08, 2017

Gute Props. Obwohl sehr dünn sind sie recht hart im nehmen. lassen sich nach einem chrash in grenzen wieder in form biegen. Toller klang der 4blatt props.

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