HobbyKing Crash Cash Winner: December 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in December's edition of HobbyKing’s Crash Cash. The multitude of entries we received was tremendously amusing and at the same time, nostalgic. We are sure everyone can relate to this bittersweet experience that low-key, makes the hobby that much more ENJOYABLE!

For all of you who didn't win this month, remember to join next month's competition by taking a photo of your dramatic RC downfall and uploading it via the Crash Cash Page. For more details about the competition, please read our Crash Cash Rules here.


Here is the Crash Cash Winner for December:

Jason Young

1) Where are you from and how did you get into the hobby?

"I'm from Utah. I got into RC cars in 1986 and started flying when Parkzone launched its warbirds."

HobbyKing Crash Cash Winner: December 2021

2) What’s the story behind your RC model and the crash?

"I was practicing my parade passes 5ft off the deck knife-edge and it got away from me."

3) What's your favorite RC model and why?

"My favorite RC model is the one I am using at the time. Currently, I like my jas 39 Gripen. It has a unique look and handling with the functional canards."


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