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Specter-1800 Composite Performance V-Tail EP Glider 1800mm (ARF)

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Specter-1800 Composite Performance V-Tail EP Glider 1800mm (ARF)


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The Specter 1800 is one of a devilishly good range of exclusive Hobbyking Performance gliders that offer you quality, looks and speed at a saintly good price.

The Specter has a nicely finished composite fuselage and expertly built and covered balsa wings and tailplane. As you would expect, the wing is removable for easy transportation & fast field assembly, also the Specter uses a V-tail configuration for excellent speed and handling. There is a comprehensive hardware kit supplied and for the final touch, the canopy is carbon fiber.

There is no doubt, the Specter 1800 has been designed for performance, with the right set up, this model offers excellent speed and the airframe offers superb handling, this is a nice quality ARF model that any RC Pilot would be proud to own, performance was never so affordable!

V-Tail configuration
Removable wing for easy transport
CF canopy and wing tube
Easy build with instructions included
Excellent quality
Composite fuselage
Excellent flight performance

Wingspan: 1800mm
Length: 930mm
Airfoil: HN354
Flying Weight: 680g

Your own 4 Channel TX/RX with v-tail mixing
28mm Brushless Inrunner Motor up to 1800kv
4 x 9g servo
1600~1800mAh 3s Lipoly Battery
30mm Folding prop spinner

  • Specter 1800 Glider
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glowin | Verified Buyer

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May 05, 2013

Fuselage a little bit heavy, push rods to the tail are complete crap, has to be replaced. I used an outrunner 2836/750kV with Aeronaut 12x6.5 CamCarbon and a Nanotech 3S/1000mAh. Overall weight ist 685gr.
Its not a hotliner, but a nice calm floater with long motor running times.

LJT2000 | Verified Buyer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 07, 2013

beaucoup de malfaons : entoilage de basse qualit, une des deux durit dans laquelle passe les tiges d'acier tait bouche. Le fuselage est extrmement fragile. j'ai d refaire le couple moteur. peu de place pour mettre les servos de queue. le plan ne correspond pas tout a fait ce qui doit tre fait. quant au vol... j'attends qu'il fasse meilleur!

Payman | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Oct 21, 2012

As others have mentioned the product is high quality and nicely done, especially the covering work. The fuselage is solid but a close inspection shows sloppy work, you need to be close to see it so not a big deal and functionally it's solid.

My only gripe is that the moving surfaces have covering hinges that move very well in one direction but not well at all in the other. Whomever did the covering work put a lot if emphasis on looks but not functionality. I need to redo all the hinges, as they barely move a few mm in one direction (hence the 4 star rating.) Otherwise this is a great buy.

P.S. the instructions clearly mention an in-runner motor is needed but the one shown in the combo (the motor "button" above) is an out-runner. I ordered it without reading the details so I subsequently had to place another order for the right motor. Entirely my fault for not reading the details, but hope this helps someone else. Don't assume the combo recommendation are always right!

dwyatt | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Oct 14, 2012

I really like the covering material and work, looks top rate. Fiberglass fuse is very solid but a little sloppily done although not on the outside. Finish is smooth and looks great. The carbon canopy has ragged edges, actually has cloth showing on 60 percent of edges and retaining piano wire looks like someone used thier feet instead of their hands to mount it. Single sheet "instructions" look crisp and nicely printed but offer no real info and are full of incorrect measurements ,crucialy on the CG measure. would be a fatal flaw for a rookie who didn't know better than to follow directions supplied by HK. I bought this rig because I am not a novice and can figure balance for my self as this is what HK has delivered to me before in the instruction dept. And others have reviewed this bird highly as far as build quality and performance. Overall I believe I got a fair deal for the price. I will update this review after flying this plane .

ulla100 | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Oct 04, 2012

Mit einpaar Verbesserungen beim Servoeinbau und bei der Anlenkung des V-Leitwerks (siehe Files) ist Sie fr diesen Preis einfach top.
Mit einem D2826-6 2200kv und einem 3S 1800mAh geht Sie senkrecht.

mosquito6 | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Sep 06, 2012

The plane was very packed (double boxed) and inner box and plane was undamaged. The fuse is very small and light. Canopy uses the wire retention method. The wings featured a very slim undercambered airfoil? The wings are also very strong but heavy. One wing had "C Grain" balsa for sheeting. This grade of balsa is grainy and is reserved for making wing ribs thus making this side of the wing heavier than the other. The wings seem well engineered though.

maverick4you | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Sep 01, 2012

Received in Italy in 3 days from order, very fast delivered with GLS!!

Very nice model, assembling in a afternoon without problem.

Fuse very strong and Wing very very good assembled and covered.

I don't have used the inrunner motor like suggest from HobbyKing i have mounted a OutRunner Turnigy 2215J 200watt that fit perfectly

Warning: This is not an hotliner, this is a quite glide!!!

I don't have still do the maiden fly because i'm waiting the folding prop but belive will be a very good model. Very suggest.

JFrancis | Verified Buyer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 16, 2012

Great quality aircraft, reasonably easy to build though aileron pushrods weren't long enough. using 3800kv motow with 45A ESC, 1600 3S and 7.5*4 folding prop.

sonicevo | Verified Buyer

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Aug 08, 2012

Habe das Paket nach 2 Tagen bekommen. Alles super verpackt. Der Flieger ist relatief schnell zusammengebaut,alles passt mit ein wenig Nacharbeit. In den Rumpf habe ich 2 Turnigy TGY-1550A und fr die Querruder 2 HK 15178 Servos gebaut. Als Antrieb verbaute ich einen Turnigy 2836-950kv mit einem HKESC 35A Regler und ein 3S-1700 Dualsky Lipo-Akku.Beim ersten Testflug war ich berrascht wie gutmtig der Specter fliegt. Er hat ein sehr groes Geschwindigkeitsspektrum von Thermik "kurbeln" bis dynamischer Kunstflug. Super Teil fr kleines Geld ! Ich kann den Specter nur weiter empfehlen !

plngh | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Jul 17, 2012

3 flights and a bunch of test glides. I love this plane!

I think they made a mistake because mine weighs almost 800 grams but it flies great.

KDA 22-20L motor
HK Blue Series 40A ESC
9.5X8 prop
FlySky 6 channel micro RX
4XHXT900 servos
11.1v 1300mah battery

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