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T-28 Trojan (White) 1270mm w/retracts & nav lights (PNF)

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T-28 Trojan (White) 1270mm w/retracts & nav lights (PNF)


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This great looking T-28 is a good size and courtesy of it's tricycle landing gear, should be able to handle almost any strip.

Being made from EPO, this T-28 tough and Plug N Fly means a simple, quick assembly is guaranteed, especially as the motor, ESC, servo's, lights and retracts are all pre-fitted. The Trojan is also very practical, it features a 2pc removable wing and despite it's generous size, only requires a 2200mAh 3s lipoly. The model does not have flaps but the hinge and servo pockets are pre-moulded for those wanting to convert it.

This is a great looking model that is aerobatic capable and will be just as happy performing as a sport plane as it will a scale model, tough, practical, well equipped and cheap to put in the air, the ideal all rounder!

Wingspan: 1270mm
Length: 1000mm
Wing Loading: 50g/dm2
Flying Weight: 1350g
Retracts: Servoless
Servo: 9g x 4
ESC: 30A w/BEC
Motor: 850kv Brushless Outrunner

Your Own 6 Channel TX/RX
2200mAh 3s Lipoly Battery

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Multiprop | Verified Buyer

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Nov 02, 2013

Great flying plane. Prop adapter was badly out of balance and had to replace it.

Landing gear is a little flimsy but if you have a hard landing it is easy to bend back in place.

Sed8ed | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

May 16, 2013

This is a great looking kit when assembled. There are drawbacks though. The lights don't work, and even if by some chance miracle they light up when you wire them they will be so dim it was for nothing! Mine had a poorly aligned motor mounting plate, and a poorly made motor mount. The mounting plate was not aligned properly in the fuselage when the two halves were put together, resulting in 5mm of off centre on the motor causing it to rub the cowling. The motor mount is poorly made, one side is shorter than the other, so not only is the motor off centre, it points towards the right wing. It should be straight and centre, with 6 Degrees down angle on the shaft. Mine had all leads incorrectly joined with the extensions. The Y lead was connecting both rudder and elevator together and the retracts joiner was connected to the Aileron wires. Despite all this it comes together quickly and easily otherwise. The foam finish is nice and the size is perfect! Quite a presence! The Cockpit didn't fit flush so I sanded it, the magnets are weak though and you may as well cut them out and put decent ones in or use Velcro along the seams, you wont see it. I wouldnt pay $135 though... wait for the offer to pop up and then use a buddy code on top. Too much work for a PNF imo but others may enjoy the challenge! I thought I paid to save time but that wasn't the case. Buy this only if you are happy

nickoedff18 | Verified Buyer

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May 28, 2012

Mine went together quite well, easy to put together. I had the same problem with the canopy, bowed in the centre and had to add extra magnets, the cg in the manual says 80-85 mm from leading edge of the wing, it's more like 70mm. The retracts work faultlessly. I used alloy shock absorbing gear which screw straight on to the standard gear shafts. Maiden flight went ok, took off and was. Very tail heavy due to incorrect cg. After adjusting the cg and taking off again, it flew quite well, I would say it is slightly underpowered, and had to use pretty much full throttle all the time. I have 3 warbirds now, p51 mustang 1200mm, durafly f4u corsair and this t-28, and I would have to say that I would rank this plane 3rd, not that it's a bad plane, just that the others in my opinion were much nicer to fly

Mark | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Apr 24, 2012

Received this model from the Australian warehouse about 7 days after ordering it, arrived safe and sound with no damage. Always have good service from the Australian warehouse.
The model assembled very quickly with no problems everything fitted very well. Once completed the model looks just fantastic with its Lights, Flaps and Retracts.
Test flew the model with a 2200 3S battery, no weight added to balance on CoG.
Take off was within approx 6 meters, select up undercarriage and then a few circuits for trimming. Very little trimming was required, just a few clicks of Aileron to fly hands off.
Gained a bit of height to test the Flaps and no trim change to talk about easy to hold. This model excels at typical Warbird aerobatics and fly buys. Most of the flight did not exceed 60pcnt power including going vertical for LARGE loops. This model does not lack power on the stock setup.
Flaps down for landing and the model locks into the circuit and touches down just beautifully.
I would highly recommend this model for your Hanger if you like Warbirds. Its a manageable size to transport and most importantly looks the part and does what it does best Flys very well.

5 Crowns for Value, Quality and Overall Rating. Can not fault this model.

Superant | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Apr 23, 2012

Delivery was prompt and the packaging undamaged. I opened the kit and the Plane looks gorgeous. I am in love.The kit went together without issue. I read everyones previous reviews and planned to fix the shortcomings, but the screws OK the cockpit took a little sanding and shaving and the flaps all good. I rigged up the lights and then refitted new flashing LEDs. First flight today, I was dissapointed in the performance, very doey had to run on full throttle to stay in the air, just glad for no headwind. It handled beautifully, just at slow speeds. Landing very stable and got applause from the peanut gallery watching. Going to try 4s or a motor & speedy upgrade. If all goes well I will buy another in Grey.
I can see this becoming my favourite plane

Robert | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Apr 07, 2012

My only issue with my T-28 is the fit of the canopy onto the fuselage - not very good. I will need to do some work on that.

Other than that, I am very pleased. The trojan looks and flies great. The bright scheme make it easy to see in the sky and during landings. I actually bought mine purely as a landing trainer. Even in 10 knott winds, the trojan is quite landable. I look forward to practicing this more in still conditions.

mctruk | Verified Buyer

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Feb 15, 2012

To finish off from the previous review, it's great. With a 4s it would fly as well as some Trojans that have 200 mm more wing and about $200 more on the price tag. Finish is what you get for the price and that is better than another i purchased with a name starting with E-flight. The paint finish was still wet! One of the best i have purchased.

mctruk | Verified Buyer

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Feb 15, 2012

Recieved the Trojan in a seriously damaged box but being it was double boxed there was no damage to the plane. The first thing is to get a knitting needle or simular and run it around the seal on the cabin which is held on with double sided tape and remove the civilians.The rest takes about 45 minutes and it is ready to fly. I set the rates a bit less than the set up in the manual,which is proberly one of the best manuals i have seen in a budget priced airplane.On a day with a little wind and with no one watching and a 3s 2250 Li-Po on board i let it rip. About 10 meters with a little down elevator then ease in a little up and it was airborne. A couple of clicks on right aileron and it was perfectly trimmed.

Greg | Verified Buyer

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Feb 14, 2012

This is a lot of plane for the money. It lacks power with the standard 3S setup however. I have upgraded mine to 4S with a 40 amp ESC. Performance is spirited with this setup. Some quality issues leave a bit to be desired. Canopy fit is bad & required an extra earth magnet to hold it down. The bottom of the canopy is bent, doesn't fit well & never will. My retract struts are loose in the plastic slots & will need epoxying in to prevent them from twisting. If you are fitting the flaps you will need to source 2 servos that move in the opposite direction to get the required dual push pull movement. Either that or you'll need a servo reverser.

Having said all that I am very happy with my T28. It flies well as you would expect of a Trojan & slows right down for gentle landings. The red & white livery is also very visible in the air.

angie | Verified Buyer

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Feb 12, 2012

arrived in good time this is one of the best l have seen from hobbyking big and strong l bought the dynam dc3 it flys great same thing solid foam is thick good quality. only problem get those pilots out of there. put a scale one in there cut a hole under canopy were pilot sits remove him, for the rear one reach in there through same hole with wire loop, hook him around the head and yank him out. one scale pilot is better than two orange headed pilots that belong in a piper cub. great plane recommend it to anyone nice and stable good one hobbyking very nice.

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