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Turnigy BLS950 Digital Brushless Cyclic Servo 11.5kg/.12sec/56g

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Turnigy BLS950 Digital Brushless Cyclic Servo 11.5kg/.12sec/56g


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Turnigy BLS950 Digital Cyclic Servo is designed specifically for strength, smooth response and ultimately extreme heli 3D flight performance.
This servo features a Brushless motor, which reduces friction and noise, increases motor life and operates at a lower temperature than a brushed motor plus it also gives a 30% faster response time and a less vibration which ads to servo accuracy. The micro-machined Titanium gear train with dual bearings ensures a strong and smooth meshing. If you open the servo case you will notice no machining marks on the gears. The mill's that produce these motors work on extremely tight tolerances. You wont find these gears being produced in a Chinese countryside factory.
The TURNIGY BLS950 is comparable only to the very high-end Japanese servos.

Compatible with Super Narrow Pulse (760µs) drive.

Dead band: 0.0008ms (Default) 
Control System: +Pulse Width Control
Working frequence: 1520μs / 333hz   
(RX) Required Pulse: 3.5 ~ 6.0 Volt Peak to Peak Square Wave
Operating Voltage: 4.0 ~ 6.0 V DC Volts
Operating Temperature Range: -10 to + 60 Degree C
Operating Speed (4.8V): 0.14 sec/60° degrees at no load
Operating Speed (6.0V): 0.12 sec/60° degrees at no load
Stall Torque (4.8V): 9.2 (127.8 oz/in)
Stall Torque (6.0V): 11.5 (159.7 oz/in)
360° Modifiable:  NO 
Motor Type:  Brushless Motor
Potentiometer Drive: Indirect Drive 
Bearing Type: Dual Ball Bearings
Gear Type: Titanium Gears
Programmable: NO @
Connector Wire Length: 24.0 cm  (9.4 in)
Dimensions: 40 x 20 x 40 mm         ( 1.57x0.79x1.50 in)
Weight:  55.8 g (1.96 oz)

  • Servo Torque(kg)(min. 0.01kg) 11.50
  • Servo Speed (Sec/60deg) 0.12
  • Servo A(mm) 45.00
  • Servo B(mm) 41.00
  • Servo C(mm) 41.00
  • Servo D(mm) 21.00
  • Servo E(mm) 55.00
  • Servo F(mm) 28.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-11


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Squib | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Nov 17, 2011

I've been fying with these in my Trex 600n for a year now. Still working really well and just gone V-Bar using same. Wow!

mes helico | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Oct 31, 2011

voila enfin du BLS a un prix competitif,ces servo sont exeptionnel en precision au cyclique,sur mon Srimok 90E KASAMA ils font des merveilles,je les utilise avec un beastix sans probleme en 6Volts pour du 3D,plus de 600 Vols a leur actif et toujours rien a redire...
Merci beaucoup HK!!!

Rotored | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Jun 03, 2011

This is a very good brushless servo, even slightly better than the futaba brushless servo's.

It's made by MKS and relabeled Turnigy by Hobbyking.

And for a great price! thank you Hobbyking !

test vid's here:

Garth | Verified Buyer

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Feb 01, 2011

This is, in my opinion NOT are full or real Brushless Servo. I would call it Semi-Brushless

Its got a Brushless Motor, for sure. But the Servo Amplifier used is a Version for DC-Motors, linked to a DC-BL Converter. (2 pcb inside)

Thats why the Servo behaves like a Servo with DC-Motors.

Elektronics seem to bee build for 7,2V, but above 6,3V it shows massive overshoot and centering problems/jittering.( Just like DC-Motor servos do)

The Poti inside looks like a cheap Pertinax-type, most probably this will be the lifetime limiting Factor. But the Performance shown at 6V is very good, no Play in Gears, good centering.

Fast enough for Trex600.

But technically ( Electronics) far behind a Futaba BLS, which is Full BLS including Brushless Amplifier.

Garth | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Jan 23, 2011

MKS Turnigy BLS 950

Hab heute meine BLS 950 bekommen.

Ein erster Test - Die Geschwindigkeit haut mich nicht vom Hocker, aber es luft unaufdringlich, das Getriebe ist bemerkenswert spielfrei.
Max gemessene Stromaufnahme ( gemittelt) 0,8A. ( Spitzen mgen etwas hher sein.
Auffllig ist auch da es, wie viele Digitalservos auch im Leerlauf kurze hohe Stromspitzen zieht. Mein zum Testen verwendetes HK-Billig BEC gibt dabei Gerusche von sich, die lauter sind als das Servo.
Mit 1000uF Elko dran ist das weg.
=> Solche Servos an BEC`s nie ohne Pufferelko betreiben.
Da die Futaba neuerdings fr 7,4V zugelassen sind, wollt ich wissen wie das mit den MKS aussieht.
Ich habs geffnet, und auf der 2.stckigen Platine u.A. einen FR6461 Servocontroller gefunden :
Dieser ist fr 7,2V zugelassen. Da KCS ein rein chinesischer Halbleiterhersteller ist, wrd ich das nicht voll ausreitzen.
Beim Betrieb an 7.0Volt zeigen sich massive berrschwinger und Nullpunktsprobleme. ber 6,3V hinaus scheint es nicht brauchbar.
Die Geschwindigkeit steigt aber merklich.
Die Erklrung offenbart sich beim Blick auf den verwendeten Servocontroller. Dieser ist ein Servocontroller fr Brstenmotoren. Nachgeschaltet ist eine Wandlerplatine DC=> Brushless. Dies erklrt warum sich das Servo wie ein Servo mit Brstenmotor verhlt. Der Vorteil von BLS-Motoren, Steps wie ein Stepp

Ashok | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Jan 20, 2011

excellant servo from HK. i just got few days back and they are quiet and centering is very good, and not having any play in gears. i have put it on hirobo tarbulance D3.

Helipilotraptor | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Jan 17, 2011

The BLS950 work fine, dead band 1us or less.
Speed and torque like announced.
Gear do not have play, although is a little to tight.
But the consumption at stop is too high,
something around 90mA,
witch would can require a battery of more capacity than usual.

Tomasz Patan | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Oct 31, 2010

Definitely the best digital servos available here. They have great holding power, resolution, center extremely well and are very quiet for digitals. Gearbox is smooth and slop free. Highly recommended.

Customer | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Oct 01, 2010

ok,fly these on cyclics on a Compass 6HV for a summer now. Still running on 4.8v and well over 100 flights on them.

GREAT SERVOS! still running strong , no slop at all in them.

Using futaba super strenght (black) arms with them. Flying hard to really hard 3-D at 13.5+- pitch , 50c 12cell.

They are holding great, without any weakness in any of the set of 3.Would buy more no questions asked.

Grant Nicholas | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Sep 27, 2010

I have 3 Turnigy BLS950's fitted to my FBL Gaui X5. They centre well, operate really smoothly and run real quiet compared to the DS610's I had. I highly recommend them for any heli setup, quick and good holding torque at 6V!


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