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ABS Pro+ Golden 250g 1.75mm eSUN

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ABS Pro+ Golden 250g 1.75mm eSUN


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Engineered to be 3 times stronger, eSUN Pro ABS+ has significantly less warping and high heat resistence. The extra strength makes the filament perfect for hobby projects, including 3D printing spare parts and sculptural designs.

Pro ABS+ filament has very low friction, making the filament perfect for printing mechanical parts. Create smooth prints with quality filament that boasts a stable diameter and improved strength. eSUN Pro ABS+ can be trusted to create strong, smooth 3D prints every time.

• Low Shrinkage (no warping)
• Much Stronger than Regular ABS
• Stable diameter (smooth prints)
• FDA approved food safe
• High heat resistence
• Less friction
• Ability to be dyed

Width: 1.75mm ±0.05 (or better)
Printing Temperature: 190-210°C
Hotend: 240°C
First Layer: 250°C
Heated Bed: 90-110°C (use 40° and UHU glue stick for adhesion)
Cooling Fan: Off (especially on large parts)
Minimum Layer Time: 5 seconds

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