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Paragolpes Brace (2pcs / bolsa) - Turnigy Trailblazer 1/8

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Paragolpes Brace (2pcs / bolsa) - Turnigy Trailblazer 1/8


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Paragolpes Brace (2pcs / bolsa) - Turnigy Trailblazer 1/8

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indo1144 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 08, 2012

This thing it really too fragile. Especially when you bash and jump like I do. Consider the car weighing 4.5 kg with batteries, crashing nose-down from a bad jump... This thing is not gonna hold for a long time. And it always breaks at the same spot, where the top screws from the bumperunit go in, exactly where the screws end.
You can strengthen it by using the longest screws you can find. Also, fitting a copper or aluminum pipe over it (but not all the way to where it starts to curve!!!) and glueing them together.
It may be weak, but it's also cheap and that compensates it all, so 4 crowns!

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