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FrSky GPS ADV Telemetry Sensor w/GPS Module

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FrSky GPS ADV Telemetry Sensor w/GPS Module


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This advanced telemetry sensor incorporates a GPS module to provide useful variable directional information such as position, speed, distance, altitude, and UTC time. It can then be displayed in real-time on FrSky's Taranis transmitters, this can also be logged onto the radio's SD card. This location data is particularly useful for "lost aircraft situations" providing you with the coordinates of your lost model if it's still in radio range or its last known position if not.

The ADV series GPS sensor provides accurate time synchronization with GPS satellites, working with the integrated “Auto adjust from GPS” function in the ETHOS system. This ensures the radio and its telemetry are all in sync with an accurate time system, ensuring telemetry data is in sync with UTC time. This sensor will only work with the FrSky F.Port and Smart Port-enabled receivers. It does not provide autonomous GPS navigation or an RTH mode for your model; it is purely to provide data to your radio.

Type: FrSky GPS ADV Telemetry Sensor
Operational Voltage: 4~10V DC
Current Draw: 40mA@5V
Operating Temperature: -40℃~85℃
Data Rate: 10Hz
Time to Fix: 30s from cold start
Speed Accuracy: Approx 0.1m/s
Sensitivity: -164dBm
Antenna: Built-in patch
Position Accuracy: Approx 2.5m CEP
Operation Limits: Dynamics 4g/Altitude 50,000m/Velocity 500m/s
Compatibility: FBUS/S.Port protocol
Dimension: 45x20x10.4mm
Weight: 11g

Please note: A copy of the user manual is available under the "Manuals/Files" tab.

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