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Las articulaciones de bola Heli (sin bolas) (6pcs / bag)

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Las articulaciones de bola Heli (sin bolas) (6pcs / bag)


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Las articulaciones de bola Heli (sin bolas) (6pcs / bag)

Tamaño: Enlace (largo) de 2,0 mm

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FerretMaster | Comprador verificado

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Jul 12, 2013

These ball joint ends are a very good fit on 2.0mm link rods. Good quality plastic, no too soft. They are long at 25.0mm overall, 18.45mm from BOTTOM of ball hole to end of link. As I mentioned they are a hard plastic, but not brittle. They can be cut to length with plenty of threaded portion left over. Uncut they will take ~15.0mm of threaded rod.

Kyrylo | Comprador verificado

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Jul 02, 2013

RJX, noname .

TieffliegerRudi | Comprador verificado

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Mar 29, 2012

Alles bestens. Kann man kaufen.

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