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Scratch and Dent Durafly Ugly Stick V2 Electric Sports Model EPO 1100mm Replacement Main Wing (Blue)

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Scratch and Dent Durafly Ugly Stick V2 Electric Sports Model EPO 1100mm Replacement Main Wing (Blue)


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Scratch and Dent Durafly Ugly Stick V2 Electric Sports Model EPO 1100mm Replacement Main Wing (Blue).

This item was damaged in transit from the manufacturer. The wing tips have suffered a small amount of damage which is easily repairable in a few minutes. Grab it while you can at a great price before someone else does.

No warranty is available for this item.
Damaged wing tips.
Please do not ask questions as the item will be sold out within 24hrs.
No backorders are allowed.

Scratch & Dent items are sold as-is.
Because HobbyKing loses money on each Scratch/Dent item sold we cannot offer a warranty or answer questions on these products.

Item will be deactivated once a 0 stock level is reached.

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