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TrackStar 1/10th Brushed Motor 550/21T Bundle Deal

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TrackStar 1/10th Brushed Motor 550/21T Bundle Deal

Precio total:

18,49 $

Ahorros totales:

2,00 $ (10.82%)

Precio combinado:

16,49 $

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The Turnigy TrackStar range of Brushed Motors is ideal for those that require a no-nonsense motor that will power your vehicle in any conditions. These motors are an ideal solution for backyard bashers or anyone wanting to cross rivers or travel in a wet environment. They are easy to maintain, just dry them out and give them a bit of lubrication and they’ll be ready for the next bush bash. This makes them ideal for use in scale boats or large scale rock crawlers, with the added advantage that they are much smoother at lower throttle inputs, which is handy in boats and a necessity in crawlers. These motors also contain an internal fan to assist in keeping motor temperatures down. Sometimes old school has its advantages. Always use with a suitable brushed ESC. Specs: Power: 80W KV: 1778 Max Current: 58A Lipo cell count: 2S Resistance: 62mΩ Shaft x Length: 3.175 x 16mm Diameter: 35.8mm Length: 57mm Weight: 240g Connection: 4.0mm Bolt holes spacing: 25mm Bolt thread: M3
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