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Turnigy Trackstar LED Program Card for Brushed ESCs

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Turnigy Trackstar LED Program Card for Brushed ESCs


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The pocket sized Trackstar LED program card has been specifically designed to work with the brushed Trackstar crawler ESCs. It is very easy and intuitive to use and makes the programming of the Trackstar brushed ESCs a simple matter.

The program card allows you to make the following adjustments:
• Initial Brake Force: 5%, 13%, 21%, 29% (default value 5%)
• Low Voltage Cut-Off: This function is mainly to prevent the lithium battery over-discharging. Settings are: No-Protection, 3.1V, 3.3V, 2.9V. For obvious reasons we do not recommend that you use the No-Protection setting.
• Initial Drag Brake Force: 100%, 90%, 80%, 70% (default value 100%)
• Maximum Reverse Force: 100%, 75%, 50% (default value 50%)
• Start Modes (also called "Punch"): Soft, Medium, Aggressive (default value Medium)

• Simple and easy to use
• LED readout for simplicity
• Specifically designed for Trackstar brushed crawler ESCs
• Pocket size
• Easy reset function back to factory settings
Please note: A copy of the instruction leaflet is available under the "Files" tab.
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Protos | Comprador verificado

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After reclamation now good

Jan 27, 2022

First was the card disfunction, after reclamation and new card delivery perfect. Thanks

De acuerdo | Comprador verificado

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Sep 22, 2021


RC Racer from Sun Prairie | Comprador verificado

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Works Great

Oct 14, 2020

Works great for setting the features on the Turnigy Brushed Motors and ESC's. Purchased 540-16T 60A ESC Combo and this program card. Very happy.

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Trackstar LED Program Card Instruction Leaflet Download [656]
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